

  • Here is an article about it. I avoid soy all together because of the estrogen issues. I would suggest going for almond, coconut or rice milk instead.
  • Jillian Michaels! They have The 30 Day Shred (shorter intense circuit training), Blast Fat, Boost Metabolism (40 min aerobic workout) and my favorite Trouble Zones (weight training incorporated into circuit training). All of these are at Walmart for around $10 and I swear to you that they work and you will see the results…
  • I took 3 years of Spanish in high school and still know a lot of it. I was in the Air Force as a linguist and went to school for Persian Farsi (Iran). I can still write it, but because I havent used it since I got out I have lost so much. I think French is such a beautiful language and would love to learn it someday.