

  • You’re going to drive yourself crazy girl! Fight the urge to jump on the scale every week or so. I did the same thing for at least a month and I would loose some and gain some and I felt like I was pretty much staying the same weight. Your gaining muscle and that really messes with the scale. Measure yourself; I think that…
    in HELP!!!!! Comment by country July 2008
  • I do this exercise as well and I enter it in as water jogging. If I do it for 30min I burn 360 calories and I feel that is pretty spot on
  • One more thing girls can you tell me what your height is? I want to use your height and goals as measurement to decide what my goals should be based on my height. 5'7"
  • Thanks for the input! I am just interested in how people are doing and what their goals are. Another question, how did you come to your goal numbers? I am trying to figure out what mine should be but I haven’t had any luck. Can anyone help?
  • I have days all the time where I think all day I don’t want to exercise, but I always make myself do it and so far I haven’t regretted it. I know what really helps me is that I do exercises that I enjoy so it isn’t like work or something I have to do and can’t wait for it to be over. The other thing that helps me is one of…
  • I decided to ditch the scale a couple of months ago and I am just measuring myself. I figured with water retention and muscle gain that the scale would just disappoint me, but my tape measure never does. I was just curious if anyone out there is judging their weight loss by the inches instead of the pounds? Also what are…
  • I am having a blast with this diet but the one thing I miss the most is an afternoon cocktail or brewsky. I have resorted to captain morgan and diet coke because it is only 60 calories an ounce. Does anyone have any suggestions on good drink recipes or low calorie beer?
  • I drink captain morgan with diet coke at 60 calories and ounce. I think Bacardi is just a little bit more somewhere between 65 and 70. What a good topic though I am going to start a blog about beverages!
  • Thank you all for the info. I have been doing a lot of hiking and water jogging and I would like to incorporate bicycling into my regime. I think I will probably start off with a pretty reasonable priced bike so I can try out what style I am interested in first. I would like to use the bike on paved roads and dirt roads so…
    in Bicycling? Comment by country June 2008
  • What kind of bikes are you guys using for exercise? Cruising bike, Mountain bike or a Road bike? What do you think is the best for exercising?
    in Bicycling? Comment by country June 2008
  • Has anyone done this before? Any pointers? Also do you guys have any other aerobic suggestions to do in a pool? I live in the desert and the heat is already starting to get to me when I am hiking and jogging so I am looking for a cooler alternative.
  • Great advice gals. I went out that day and bought some new Reebok running shoes. I gave my feet a rest for one day then I took the new shoes out for a ride and it’s been great. All my pain went away in my feet my legs and my back. Oh and I bought them a ½ bigger than I normally wear and they give me lots of room. Can you…
  • Thank you all very much. I think you guys are right because when I jog I feel like my toes are going to bust out of my shoes, and the pain is probably comming from my toes. Thanks again I am going to get better shoes tonight!
  • I am using sketchers sports shoes and they ladie in the store said she uses them for jogging on the treadmill.
  • Hi guys I am doing this exercise program called hill walking, which basically is climbing a lot of hills at a brisk walk and then jogging down them. I love this exercise it has been fun and very rewarding. But I have a problem……my feet hurt mostly the front of my feet before my toes. I am normally very flat footed so I am…
  • Am I doing things wrong? Please help? I have a 1200 calorie diet and I eat about 800 to 900 calories a day, that’s with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. When I workout I burn about 400 calories a day. My question is do I have to eat 1200 calories plus my workout calories? I am confused am I sabotaging myself for not…
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