doIdaretoeatapeach Member


  • I've wondered about that myself. I love almost all nuts and could eat them all week (you know, in the name of science.) It always seemed like nut overindulgence didn't make me gain weight the way too much of other high calorie foods does. But I'm still limiting nuts now to keep the calories down. Are calories in foods…
  • Supposedly if you enter an activity on the fitbit site, it overrides (pun!) the steps for the period of time you were doing the other activity and replaces the step calorie burn with activity calorie burn. Somehow though, it doesn't look like that on my fitbit dashboard. It definitely adds the additional calories burned,…
  • OP said "clean eating" resolved her IBS. I think telling your friends that if you eat X you'll get explosive diarrhea would be a pretty good way to kill the conversation. If your friends want to hear more about your diarrhea, then you definitely need some new friends.
  • Another vote for their nuts. Lots of variety and the best prices. Some of their produce prices are very good. They have some good prices on cheese, although not all of the cheeses are that great. If you like feta, there's a really good kind that comes in a plastic tub, packed in liquid that's one of the best I've tried. If…
  • I'm also your parent's age, and will resist my normal default to snarky and sarcastic just for you. :flowerforyou: Minimum of 6 eggs at approx. 90 cal = 540 calories 1 tbsp butter per egg @ 100 cal/tbsp = 600 calories 1 oz cheese per egg @ 110 cal/0z = 660 calories So the 'diet' is at least 1140 calories per day without…
  • I dropped out of home ec because it was too silly, and opted to work in the library instead. I was a nerd before nerds were cool. :glasses: Or maybe I was just hopelessly uncool. Fortunately my mother taught me how to cook. I never really learned to sew though, other than stitching flesh. OP, I can't attest to the diet…
  • For a tabbouleh recipe, I'm not the best person to ask for recipes, because I tend to futz around with ingredients until I like the results. I usually start with something like the recipe below, but use more lemon juice and less olive oil to save some calories, and increase the chopped veggies and herbs. Combine the oil,…
  • How about tabbouleh with lots of chopped parsley, chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, topped with some tangy feta cheese? Hmm, maybe I should make that next week for lunch. It's tomato and cucumber season here. Are courgettes the same as cukes? Or are they something else in American English? :tongue:
  • Hmm, definitely sounds worth a try.
  • But it is easier for men to lose weight, right? "In summary, sedentary 24EE is approximately 5-10% lower in females compared with males after adjusting for differences in body composition, age, and activity." So given a man and woman of the same age, weight, body fat %, and…
  • I can't help it. I'm just an *kitten*.
  • I have the same problem. I call it The Witching Hour, because around 7 pm I'm ravenous, even if I've eaten a decent amount prior to 5 pm. I do what the posters above suggested - no breakfast, and try to have plenty of calories available for early evening. I really need to have 700+ calories after 4 pm. It's easier for me…
  • Yes, the floors and steps are still showing up on the fitbit log. Next time I'll just leave the Fitbit in the car. Sure was nice to get the bike out for the first time in forever!
  • Perfect. Thank you.
  • The Fitbit will work even if you don't measure your stride length. It estimates stride length based on height and gender, and will use its estimate to calculate your distance based on number of steps. If you want the most accurate measure of your distance covered, then you would need to enter your measured stride length.…
  • I just got the Fitbit One on Monday, and so far so good. My daily routine include hills and stairs, so it's nice to see those counted as well as steps. Another reason I chose the One over the Flex is that the One is rechargeable - no batteries to change. The burgundy color was $80 on a couple of sites, versus $100 for the…
  • I've only been working on my appetite re-education program for about 2 months, so maybe I'll change my mind later, but - yes, I'm planning cheat days. I'm okay with calling it anything, but the concept is an eat whatever I want day. I'm doing this based solely on personal preferences and things that have worked or not…
  • I have the best looking *kitten* of anyone on this board. < - I also can't resist an *kitten* double entendre. It's an affliction.
  • To be honest, for the $19 - 20 savings, it could be any 'off' color and I'd take it. I'm cheap like that.
  • I'm thisclose to buying a FitBit One. The black model is about $99, but a couple of sites have the burgundy color for $80. For something I plan to wear hidden, I'll go for the off color and $20 savings. Sorry to hear that it doesn't track stairs well, though.
  • Hi, seasoned adults! I'm 54, live in the Washington DC area, and started MFP a month ago. I fell right off the wagon during a business trip, but have been back at it for a couple of weeks. I hit menopause a little early, in my late 40s, but honestly, my weight gain has been from eating too darn much and not doing anything…
  • I like it best plain - not a fan of very sweet yogurt. I find that it's less tart/sour when it's at room temperature as opposed to cold from the refrigerator. I'll even microwave it for 20 seconds or so so it's not cold.