reneb28 Member


  • Maybe as you're trying to get accustomed to new "healthier" foods you should try working on portion control and figure out how much mac and cheese or chicken nuggets you can eat and still stay in your calorie goal. Try something new everyday, one a week, whatever works for you. By the way fruits and veggies take almost no…
  • I always try to eat lite if I know I am going to a party or bbq or even if I know we will be eating beef or something higher in calories that night. Last night, I worked out a little harder because i really wanted a drumstick for dessert and those suckers are 290 calories! It was worth it!
  • has some great HIIT workouts!
  • Don't you wish the cabinet would do that when you opened it!
  • I'm still a mom FIRST so I end up cooking 2 meals a night, doing twice the dishes and question myself sometimes. I also try to find "odd" hours to work out so I'm not cutting into my very demanding family time! The sacrifices we make, so I cant imagine it being in vain. At the same time being the very reason to unravel…
  • Being happy is much more than the scale and the mirror, first work on that. Be happy and healthy! next the scale and the mirror will reflect that! Why would you put so much work into something you despise everyday? You wouldn't! Work on loving yourself in every form you come in! Then work on being a healthier person in…
  • No problem! I prefer low impact, fitnessblender has some great ones with high calorie burn and still a great work out!
  • I don't really have anyone to talk to in "real" life, I think everyone around me is tired of hearing what I eat , how great my work out was or that I lost 2 lbs. I just recently found how to read the forums and find other people on here. So yeah some encouragement would be nice! Also I don't like sharing these things on my…
  • High impact is jumping, jumping jacks, hopping anything that has a high impact on your legs, ankles and knees. Low impact would be doing the opposite , walking in place vs jogging, slow burbee's vs normal burpees. as for general i would say somewhere in between, a mixture of both..
  • I have 2 young boys and a Boyfriend who don't share the eating habits that I've changed to. So I ALWAYS have tempting food in my house! I have to muster up some serious will power, which i usually do. On top of that we are on a tight budget so sometimes I don't have the option to buy what I want, so I end up caving, it's…
  • or just search Fitnessblender on YouTube, is a great website! All free wonderful videos and advice! They anything from relaxing yoga stretches to hard core high intensity training, some videos require equipment but most dont. Paired with eating right and portion control, I have never felt better about…