

  • I'm also new to myfitnesspal and I found it very helpful to drink lots of water and I don't know if your into this or not but have you ever tried anything that is designed to cleanse your system because it might help, I know it helped me and I am grateful for it. (:
  • I know how you feel, and just some advice maybe when you feel like eating even though your really not hungry try chewing on some gum, drink water, or workout and go for walks. I found that when I do those things it really helps me and it gets my mind off eating, and who knows maybe it will help you too. (:
  • I don't know much about this because I'm new to my fitness pal but maybe your body is used to the exercise video that your doing, especially since you have been doing it for awhile now, so maybe you should try making the video harder for you, or possibly try adding another little exercise as well and see how it goes I mean…