

  • LOL... thanks for the chuckle.:laugh:
  • Thanks for so publicly giving up! Thanks to your public defeat and the LONGEST thread ever...I have evaluated my calorie intake, up my treadmill incline (to13.... woo!), vowed not to eat all of my exercise calories in case I've made an error and have renewed motivation! Western Caribbean cruise for Christmas with…
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE Fresh parmesan on my brocolli..... not that grated stuff... ew.:sick:
  • Welcome! Stick to your guidelines and you'll have easy success!:wink:
    in hello Comment by ksherbak May 2011
  • I did well for 30 days.... then nothing for 3 weeks. After reading some of the blogs here I decided to experiement.... I increased my water intake (it was seriously lacking) and "blew" it for two days (not the way I wouldve blown it in the past, mind you, but definitely ate more calories those two days than I would have) .…
  • I am going to try upping my calorie intake a bit as well. I've not budged up or down the past 2 weeks and it's too early to have hit a plateau. I have been exercising daily . How much did you bump it?
  • I am going to try upping my calorie intake a bit as well. I've not budged up or down the past 2 weeks and it's too early to have hit a plateau. I have been exercising daily . How much did you bump it?
  • These items are exactly what I order! I also like Wendys small chili poured over a plain side salad. [/quote] I am SO going to Wendy's tomorrow! I LOVE their taco salad and this is the best alternative I've seen! Thanks!
  • Yay you!! Right with ya! Yay me!:wink:
    in Yay me! Comment by ksherbak April 2011
  • I'm with JENTORRES... I'm at 1200 and surprised at the end of the day when I still have 500 left. I am making excellent food choices and feel great!