jlessard91 Member


  • Nth.
  • You're absolutely right and all my friends and family who support me have been telling me this for a long time and I just wish I had the motivation and drive to start this sooner. Oh well, I can't dwell on the past, I can only look towards the future and do the best I can from day to day. Thanks for your reply! :)
  • Thank you for this reply. What you said relates to me quite a bit, as I have the same sleep problems and have also been doing a ton of research on what I can do to try and get going. I've already gone for a few walks along with changing my diet up... and it is pretty hard haha, but I will try and keep at it. My first mini…
  • Thank you very much! :) I'm really enjoying the friendly community here. I've been a lurker here for a while, but finally decided to make an account and post, and I'm glad I did and will defiantly post updates with my progress!
  • Thank you for the response guys! I read that story and I guess I just have to try and start off slow with walking and just tough out the tiredness. Another hard part is that I'm one of very few who cannot tolerate the CPAP machine because of my severe anxiety (Breathing in the forced air, even on the lowest settings gives…