mike2lane Member


  • There are several healthy (paleo/zone/keto) options where I live (NYC), but I use the one that delivers to my box. They are called Kettlebell Kitchen https://kettlebellkitchen.com/ I find that even their "medium" meals are large enough to split into two meals, so it ends up costing me about $5.50 per meal, which isn't bad…
  • Hello, I am now in my 8th week of Crossfit ("CF"), and I have noticed some major differences, but I made major changes at week 4 that have significantly accelerated my results. I started CF at 235 lbs (I am 5'11", male). I began pre-cooking all my meals for the week and gauged my macro nutrient goals using an online…
  • Reebok CrossFit Fifth Ave (Midtown Manhattan) New York, NY http://reebokcrossfit5thave.com/ Great coaches and awesome people, this box is big and always hopping.
  • I am on my 5th week of Crossfit, and I love it. Before starting, I had not worked out for my entire life (36 years). I was very weak and out of breath at the beginning, but the coaches stayed on me like glue, critiquing my form, and I have gained so much confidence and get better each time. In my box (5th Ave, NYC), there…