worldofalice Member


  • I've been retaining water like crazy recently, however it seems to have finally gone down today! Three things I find works for me: 1) Work up a sweat 2) Limit sodium and 3) Reduce carbs (although everyone's bodies are different). Also drinking lots of fluids and eating foods like watermelon and cucumber can be really…
  • I usually buy mine from Holland and Barrett, here's the link! However a cheaper option is to make them, I know DeliciouslyElla has a recipe in her first book and there are several more online - I haven't yet been able to perfect that…
  • Good grief your body is perfect! You absolutely are not skinny fat. You are slender and toned with curves in the right places. I'd up your cals slowly if you're getting tired, and maybe lift heavy and eat at maintenance as suggested - it does wonders for body image and gradual body composition change (not that you need it!)
  • You're right - it's tricky as I don't want to gain any more weight, but couldn't sustainably eat any less considering my exercise levels. Kind of stuck huh. Thanks so much - I'll give this a listen now :smile:
  • Dry roasted chickpeas. 88 cals and the most filling and addictive thing out there!
  • I do have a disordered history with restrictive eating, I've been in recovery for two years now and assumed that after 7 months at this amount, the weight gain would have stopped - it's not like I'm eating crazy amounts and most people recover at 2500 plus!! I'm only netting about 1200 a day. I can live with maintaining at…
  • Also, awesome transformation in your profile picture by the way!
  • 5"3.5 (the point 5 matters of course)
  • I started off at 45 kg in September, and am now just under 49 kg (although I haven't weighed myself since the dreaded thigh gain so probably more now)
  • I do weigh my food - right down to my satsumas and broccoli :'D
  • Ahh I see! I doubt that is the case as I am very meticulous and it was never a problem in the past. According to MFP and all other calculators I should maintain on about 2000 plus with my activity levels, so even if my scales were out by a couple of grams it would still in theory leave me with plenty of room for maneuver!…
  • I use a measuring tape at the top of my thigh, in the same place. And to be absolutely certain I'm measuring the same place, I slide it up and down a bit too - so for example, a few weeks ago 21 inches was too big no matter where on my thigh I placed the tape. Now, the tape fits snugly at 22 inches even when I slide it…
  • I weigh myself on a digital scale at the gym, the number has been steadily increasing since September. As I lift weights, I can deal with a rising scale number -it's the increasing measurements that bug me as I know it's fat gain!
  • Regarding dried chickpeas - check out Garbanzo dry roasted chickpeas, you can get them at Holland & Barrett or online, 88 cals a bag and 9g protein or something...and the bag feels bottomless, they're so filling!
  • You're very right! I do try to be mindful of that - I think I drink lots but there's always room for improvement! Although i hate that "sloshy" feeling, do you get that? In terms of my constant hunger, it usually goes - drink, wait, snack, drink, wait, give in and snack again
  • Thanks for your advice - I'm pretty much following those macros, however hadn't given fibre much thought! I've checked out my tdee however they completely vary - some of them give me 1900-2200, however I'm just scared to eat that much regularly as I'm worried im over-estimating my activity. Perhaps I should try gradually…
  • Thanks for your honesty! I'm not sure why I'm so bothered to be honest. I guess it's because of all the hard work I'm putting in at the gym, I was hoping a lower body fat would be a sign of some hard-earned muscle gains!
  • This is correct ..that reading has a margin of error of up to 10% and should be ignored your healthy body fat range is 21-33% as a woman aged 20-40 roughly The girls you overheard don't know their *kitten* from elbows 10-13% is essential BF for females I despair sometimes [/quote] Thanks for your honesty! I'm not sure why…
  • Are they usually too high or too low? I had pretty much the same result on that machine and the one at my gym review in November, which involved me lying on the flow with wires on me!
  • 5"3, 107 lb and have recently gained about 3 kg (mostly muscle) on slightly over 2000 since september and now seem to be maintaining! I lift 4x a week and run when I feel like it
  • I absolutely love reading posts where people are happy with their bodies - we need more of this!! Don't be pressured into feeling bad about yourself. We live in a society that profits from our insecurities - screw them. How you feel is way more important than any number.
  • My favourite is Pulsin pea protein - you can add it to either sweet or savory and is really affordable! I tried the chocolate Sunwarrior in a shake and really had to force it down, I still have a couple of sample left though so may try using them in a beltsander brownie and see if I can mask the taste :')
  • After 5 years of anorexia, I'm still trying to get my period back now I'm a healthyish weight. One thing I'm currently doing in increasing my healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, coconut oil etc. I've already noticed that my hair is shinier, skin is better and boobs are growing so that's a sign my hormones are kicking in…
  • In my opinion, there is no such thing as "binging" in recovery. Many specialists refer to it as reactive eating. I still calorie count obsessively, and one thing I've noticed is that if I eat, say, half the amount I need for a few days, eventually my body will drive me to eat about double what I need for the following…
  • I'm 102lb and my maintenance calories are 2000, so I'm surprised that as a significantly heavier male yours aren't much higher! I don't know many men who eat that little. I think there's a chance your metabolism might also need a shake-up, if you were originally at 900 a day but that's your choice.
  • Look up reverse dieting :)
  • This. Although she's doing it for the wrong reasons, personally I think it's really refreshing for a young girl to aspire for a womanly figure rather than starving herself and idolising the Kendall Jenner 40lb underweight types.
  • add frozen berries, a tiny bit of some kind of milk, blend and beat until it goes all fluffy. Google protein fluff, it's the best :)
  • Have you ever tried bounce balls? I can't recommend them enough, they're completely natural ingredients and literally send me bouncing off the walls and won't sit heavy in your stomach for your workout at all!
  • For me personally, I am trying to increase my protein intake but I really struggle to hit the 90g I've set myself - more like 30g! So powder is convenient and meals I don't have to feel stuffed all the time, or eat foods I'm not comfortable with :) But this isn't a long-term solution for me, "real" food is definitely…