worldofalice Member


  • Yep, lesson learned! I'm all too familiar with the inaccuracies on the MFP database - my logging was actually based on the nutritional information stated on the pack. However, turns out that this company has been falsely marketing the nutritional info!
  • Yup, lesson learned - also a valuable lesson about intuitive eating. Annoyingly, I was basing my logging off what the calories said on the actual packet - so false marketing!!
  • I just wanted to say thank you so much for this comment, even though I'm not OP I think that those words are something that many of us need to hear. It's what I've been telling myself, but it's good to hear it from someone else. OP - listen up! And keep pushing on, you won't keep gaining forever.
  • Heya, I've been in a similar boat - was on 800 cals with 7 days of cardio, then last October I cut down my exercise to 4/5 days of weight training, and gradually increased up to 1700 cals. At the end of July this year, I was still underweight so increased to 2000. I've gained about 8lb on the scale since then. But I know…
  • I don't know much about this topic. Other than the fact that I have never fussed with keeping my sodium levels low because I have really, really low blood pressure to the point of inconvenience. I wouldn't think that people like myself should be aiming to minimise our sodium?
  • Anecdotal evidence alert - however, my experience is pretty easy to explain scientifically. I was diagnosed with clinical depression when I was 19. I had a BMI of <14 and I'm not going to say how little I was eating. Four years later, and I am off the anti-depressants. I am nearly 20kg heavier, eating 5x the amount, and my…
  • Also - 49 kg is still very light for our height. You shouldn't be aiming to go back down to this weight, for all kinds of reasons. You won't maintain the very bottom of the healthy range on 2000 cals because, like 99% of the population, that's not where your body wants to be x
  • I'm currently 161 cm and weight 49kg, and am gaining 2000 cals a day. I'm imagining I will stop gaining on this amount in a couple of kilos time (according to my coach). The important thing here is NOT your weight - it's your intake. There is a big difference between 2000 and 1600 cals, in terms of mental freedom, energy,…
  • Thanks for being so candid with me. That was actually so helpful to hear. Certainly don't LOOK like I'm at the low end of healthy (if I gain much more, I'll be needing size 12 jeans! Squat problems) and that makes the idea of continuing as I am that much harder. But you're completely right, it's easy to lose perspective. I…
  • That thing about maintenance cals changing every on point. I hadn't even considered that. I'd love to transition into intuitive eating once my weight and intake is stable, and that point will definitely help! I reverse dieted up to the 1700 mark, from 800...and the gain was sooo slow, hence why this is such a…
  • Yeah I don't get it either. But I guess I'm probably gaining in places I'm not measuring - lower stomach, face, different parts of my arms and legs etc. My legs always balloon up after leg day too
  • Thanks for the suggestion - I've messaged my trainer. She's recovered herself and has been very keen to focus on the mental stuff as well as just fitness. Dropping to maintenance, if my calculations are right, would be about 1500. So a massive step backwards, losing all the energy and social life and chance of getting my…
  • Measurements and appearance are tough. I've spent my whole adult life with a BMI of 16 max, so I was already struggling with body image at 47kg. Such fast gaining is VERY noticeable in the mirror and none of my clothes fit...I do feel good when I've had a good gym session and smashed some PBs, but the rest of the day still…
  • Sorry, should have clarified that I'd lost some weight before increasing - so I've gained 8lb in 8 weeks! I wish that cutting was an option but, after 7 years of anorexia, it isn't. I also still don't get my periods which makes it even more out of the question. Whatever weight I gain to, I'm kind of stuck with it for the…
  • Oops, sorry for quoting you three times! Apologies, I should have been clearer - I'd lost a couple of kilos just before I started with my trainer, so starting weight was 45.4kg. So 4kg gain in 8 weeks. Which is a LOT. I don't understand why I'm still gaining at such a huge rate. I think the main reason I'm bricking it is…
  • I thought I'd just chip in on this and let you know I'm in a similar boat... mine is a long story but 8 weeks ago I hired a coach and increased from 1700 (okay, it HAD been 1700 for ages, except the two weeks before I increased it had been more like 900-1400), to 2000. Four lifting sessions a week, walking anywhere between…
  • I nearly died and am still dealing with the mental and physical consequences. Did not not enjoy the experience, 0/10 would not recommend to a friend.
  • In theory, this is true - however in practice, I fell that it would rarely work out like that. The human body is far more complex. If your NET is over 100, then sure. But if you're CONSUMING an extra 100, it could well be that you end up performing your daily activities with a little more energy, fidget more, your workouts…
  • As above, definitely check with a GP. They might put you in for blood tests, bone scans etc but perhaps not as it's still fairly recent. Regardless, you will need to re-evaluate your diet and exercise habits. 3-4X a week is plenty of exercise, and nothing too intense until your body is functioning properly again.…
  • Combat crunch wins hands-down overall! Another seriously underrated one is Atkins - try their fudge caramel, brownie or chocolate decadence (you can find them in sainsburys or boots). Honestly so good, there is just a certain stigma attached to the brand.
  • If you're used to using MFP then you shouldn't find it too hard! It has definite benefits compared with just calorie-counting - I had been massively under-eating fats and carbs, so it's a great way of getting balance that is often neglected by calorie-counters. It's a bit of faff but you soon get used to it! And the boys…
  • I did! 8 weeks in, and it's great - I'm trying to gain weight rather than lose, but people seem to see great results for both - although you need patience. This isn't a quick fix, it's the real deal - give it time!
  • It completely depends on your goals - and honestly unless you want to compete or something, it probably isn't worth the fuss (unless you're me and you just like to know things :')) For example - I'm currently trying to build muscle and gain weight, so I'm on 20p/45c/35f. My intake is going up a bit every week, with the…
  • Girl your legs are fiiiiine! Massive well done on your progress so far. You have a lovely body so don't be too hard on yourself, I think sometimes it's easy for our body image to get distorted the more weight we lose. If the gym is a no-go, have you looked into the Kayla Itsines BBG? 30-minute bodyweight hiit workouts, the…
  • Good luck girl - I'm recovering from a long-term ED myself and am trying to do a similar thing. Still putting off that initial increase! You can do this.
  • How long were you maintaining for? That number is the average woman's BMR (IE the number you would need if you were literally in a coma, even being awake burns more) so I'm not surprised you lost!
  • Have you checked out the Eat More to Weigh Less group? That's a pretty good place to start :) I think the general idea is that you gradually increase extra calories (from carb sources), and keep an eye on your weight - when you're consistently gaining (AKA you weight has gone up several weeks in a row) then you know you…
  • That's not what is meant by starvation mode. And as someone whose body has experienced a similar level of starvation to that, I can assure you that my body was clinging on to every once of fat it could and afterwards I gained weight incredibly quickly on a tiny amount of food. People misunderstand the concept of…
  • If you're on your feet most of the day then you should certainly not be eating at sedentary levels - you are the same height as me and 1200 is my BMR - IE the amount I would need if I was literally just lying in a coma. Even if I am just sitting around being sedentary, I need 1500! I just ran your stats through a few…