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Can diet affect your mental health?



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    Bwah hahaha, hallucinations. What an idea lol. Man, let's go to Mickey D's, I hear you can trip for hours! ....( and that's about the only way I'd eat McD's, but that's neither here nor there because it doesn't work like that.) I can just imagine someone passing out dollar value meals at a rave. XD
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Vitamin deficiencies can definitely have an effect on your mental health. I was diagnosed a few years back as having a serious Vitamin D deficiency. I also fought chronic depression. After I was told to take 2,000 units of D3 a day, within a week, the depression started to lift, I had more energy and just generally felt like myself again for the first time in years. If you are eating poorly (lots of processed foods, sugar, etc.) it can deplete your body of vitamins and minerals and that can definitely result in fatigue, poor mood, etc.

    I want to add my own experiences with vitamin D. I started taking vit D last year regularly for the first time and found my SAD was quite decreased in the winter. A few weeks ago I stopped taking my pills (it's summer and they were always annoyingly stuck in my throat), but soon after found myself gloomier on cloudy days than I had been for a while. Maybe all coincidental, maybe not.

    I can't recall if this was mentioned upthread already, but vit D can get "trapped" in fat cells as you gain weight, reducing available levels in your bloodstream. If I ever encounter a time again when life becomes overwhelming and I start to take care of myself less and gain weight, I hope to at least increase my vit D intake.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Vitamin deficiencies can definitely have an effect on your mental health. I was diagnosed a few years back as having a serious Vitamin D deficiency. I also fought chronic depression. After I was told to take 2,000 units of D3 a day, within a week, the depression started to lift, I had more energy and just generally felt like myself again for the first time in years. If you are eating poorly (lots of processed foods, sugar, etc.) it can deplete your body of vitamins and minerals and that can definitely result in fatigue, poor mood, etc.

    I want to add my own experiences with vitamin D. I started taking vit D last year regularly for the first time and found my SAD was quite decreased in the winter. A few weeks ago I stopped taking my pills (it's summer and they were always annoyingly stuck in my throat), but soon after found myself gloomier on cloudy days than I had been for a while. Maybe all coincidental, maybe not.

    I can't recall if this was mentioned upthread already, but vit D can get "trapped" in fat cells as you gain weight, reducing available levels in your bloodstream. If I ever encounter a time again when life becomes overwhelming and I start to take care of myself less and gain weight, I hope to at least increase my vit D intake.

    Nature's Way (and other "natural" brands) has tiny gel tabs that I take, much easier than the chalky regular tabs :)
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    Vitamin deficiencies can definitely have an effect on your mental health. I was diagnosed a few years back as having a serious Vitamin D deficiency. I also fought chronic depression. After I was told to take 2,000 units of D3 a day, within a week, the depression started to lift, I had more energy and just generally felt like myself again for the first time in years. If you are eating poorly (lots of processed foods, sugar, etc.) it can deplete your body of vitamins and minerals and that can definitely result in fatigue, poor mood, etc.

    I want to add my own experiences with vitamin D. I started taking vit D last year regularly for the first time and found my SAD was quite decreased in the winter. A few weeks ago I stopped taking my pills (it's summer and they were always annoyingly stuck in my throat), but soon after found myself gloomier on cloudy days than I had been for a while. Maybe all coincidental, maybe not.

    I can't recall if this was mentioned upthread already, but vit D can get "trapped" in fat cells as you gain weight, reducing available levels in your bloodstream. If I ever encounter a time again when life becomes overwhelming and I start to take care of myself less and gain weight, I hope to at least increase my vit D intake.

    Nature's Way (and other "natural" brands) has tiny gel tabs that I take, much easier than the chalky regular tabs :)

    I went looking for them and found D3 gel tabs. Thanks for the tip!

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,042 Member
    Yes - Vitamin D was a game-changer for me, too. I used to be almost bed-bound in the long winters here. Now I feel pretty darn good and I'm able to exercise all winter long. I think Vit D helped me with weight loss too. Purely anecdotal, but without the depression I feel like eating well and getting out more.
  • crw9384
    crw9384 Posts: 7 Member
    I think for some it has a direct effect. Some people just have chemical imbalances that cause mental illness. But in this case that you are talking about, I say diet can directly affect mental well being. For example, myself, I was eating crap food and was miserable all the time. I had no energy, I was not in a good place. I wanted to play with my kid but I just couldn't. Then I would start being miserable, and food made me feel better. I would eat until I was even more miserable. Its a vicious cycle that takes a toll on your mental being. Now, that I am eating a better diet, I exercise every day, I feel great. I have more energy. I still get down some days, but a gym visit makes it better. Those good endorphins are rolling!
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    As someone who has struggled with mental health issues AND with weight issues I firmly believe that my depression causes me to eat poorly and too much, not the other way around. I was at a healthy weight and ate well before the depression first hit in college. After that, I have struggled with both.

    I have my own depression scale:
    1. Even keel. Doing well, in control, able to just glide over whatever waves come my way.
    2. My eating habits go south. This is the first indicator that I am at the top of a spiral. If I can get my eating back on track, I often am able to halt an oncoming depressive episode
    3. My housekeeping goes south
    4. My personal care (showering, getting dressed, etc) goes bad
    5. I spend all day in bed with books and food.

    Yes, my eating and exercise habits are firmly entwined with my mental health but it is a symptom, not a cause of depression.

    This is great. I love your scale.
  • worldofalice
    worldofalice Posts: 148 Member
    Anecdotal evidence alert - however, my experience is pretty easy to explain scientifically.

    I was diagnosed with clinical depression when I was 19. I had a BMI of <14 and I'm not going to say how little I was eating. Four years later, and I am off the anti-depressants. I am nearly 20kg heavier, eating 5x the amount, and my diet is comprised of 80% wholesome nutritious foods rather than low-calorie processed crap. I exercise regularly. I am no longer diagnosed with depression. It took significant weight gain and improved intake before my mental health began to improve too.

    The doctor and psychiatrist explained it pretty simply. While malnourished, your body becomes far more efficient with its calories. Your brain stops working properly. Endorphins could no penetrate what my doctor described metaphorically as a "layer" over my brain. Your brain also needs fuel - carbs - to function. While clinical depression is, for many, a genetic condition - for other such as myself, it was a direct consequence of physical health caused by malnourishment.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    To respond to the original question:

    Can diet affect mental health?
    Sure. In fact, I'd say 'obviously.' Because firstly, our mind is simply part of our body, and it requires certain nutrients to function properly, because they are required to make certain neurochemicals, for certain processes to work, and so on. That's a no brainer.

    Second, for SOME people, diet has a bigger impact on their body. Celiac disease is known for causing depression and anxiety, so a dietary change for a celiac is going to have a huge impact. Some people have problems processing sulfur due to a metabolic pathway issue so need a low sulfur diet. Some people can't process fats well, or protein, or whatever...so for all of these folks, diet is going to be more impactful than for the general population.

    Not the SAME diet, mind you. A SPECIFIC diet. Just 'eating better' is not going to do anything other than make a person healthier in general. And for those with illnesses or conditions that involve special diets, 'eating better' may be different than for the general population, anyway, and actually cause harm.

    That said...
    Are these people mentally unwell BECAUSE they had a bad diet?

    No. Just no. Because the question here is NOT whether or not people who, say, have celiac disease are mentally unwell because they have a bad diet. It's implying that any average Joe who eats a bad diet would develop mental problems.

    First, that could be disproven just taking a look around the block. The general population has SO MANY with crap diets, and yet huge numbers of them do not have mental illnesses. If diet alone was the cause of mental illness, we'd have a lot more of it, would we not? It's one of those lovely correlation vs. causation issues. There may be studies showing that people with mental illness are more likely to HAVE crap diets, but the REAL question is: are people with crap diets more likely to develop mental illnesses? And I have seen little evidence of THAT sort of clustering of mental illness and poor diets, in studies.

    Second, this belief of poor diet causing mental illness REALLY smacks of a problem that has been in our society for a long, long time. The idea that people with mental illnesses could get better 'if they just tried harder.' It is what causes a lot of bigotry and prejudice against those who are mentally ill (and many of the physically disabled, too, actually). 'You're depressed/schizophrenic/bipolar because you didn't exercise, didn't eat right, didn't do enough yoga, didn't do SOMETHING right.' (seriously, this sort of crap is so prevalent among those with ongoing physical and mental illnesses, there are joke bingo cards on it - https://myheartsisters.org/2014/11/23/chronic-illness-bingo/ )

    Seriously, the attitude falls in line with old beliefs that presume if you are rich, healthy, etc... it's always because YOU did something right (or pleased God). And if someone else is poor, sick, etc.., well, it's because they didn't do what YOU did. They did something wrong (or pissed off God). Genetics, mother nature, accidents, vicissitudes of fate - they are all completely ignored as even possible causes.

    That doesn't mean that some people didn't work hard for their good health. I am very aware that some people found what was their problem and worked their butt off to fix it, and it paid off. But assuming this works for everyone ignores the fact that some people worked JUST AS HARD and did not get the same results. Some people ate just as well, did just as much meditation, just as much yoga, and it DID NOT HELP THEM.

    I admit, this is a hot button for me. I and my daughter both have the same disease: celiac disease. For me, the change to gluten free completely cured my depression of over 20 years. Bam, it was gone. Nothing else needed, because the disease had been the underlying cause all along. My daughter? Yeah, it helped a little. She was less tired, but it didn't eliminate her mental illness. NOTHING eliminated that, not meditation, not vitamins, not a better diet that involves organic foods, and is almost entirely made from scratch with veggies and fruits and so on. She. needed medication, and even with that, she still struggles.

    And I have heard SO MANY people give her advice about how to 'make it better.' As though it is obvious that ANYONE suffering from mental illness just needs to do X exercises or eat Y foods and they'd be completely cured. And aren't we so silly for not realizing that and taking no measures at all to try and help her, all this time. :-/

    I think what it boils down to, and people who say 'poor diet is causing it all' aren't getting, is that people are complicated. What goes wrong in the human body can be complicated. And there we're all unique, on top of that. So assuming that we KNOW why something is happening to the entire population is entirely too simplistic of a view.

  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    shaumom wrote: »
    To respond to the original question:

    Can diet affect mental health?
    Sure. In fact, I'd say 'obviously.' Because firstly, our mind is simply part of our body, and it requires certain nutrients to function properly, because they are required to make certain neurochemicals, for certain processes to work, and so on. That's a no brainer.

    Second, for SOME people, diet has a bigger impact on their body. Celiac disease is known for causing depression and anxiety, so a dietary change for a celiac is going to have a huge impact. Some people have problems processing sulfur due to a metabolic pathway issue so need a low sulfur diet. Some people can't process fats well, or protein, or whatever...so for all of these folks, diet is going to be more impactful than for the general population.

    Not the SAME diet, mind you. A SPECIFIC diet. Just 'eating better' is not going to do anything other than make a person healthier in general. And for those with illnesses or conditions that involve special diets, 'eating better' may be different than for the general population, anyway, and actually cause harm.

    That said...
    Are these people mentally unwell BECAUSE they had a bad diet?

    No. Just no. Because the question here is NOT whether or not people who, say, have celiac disease are mentally unwell because they have a bad diet. It's implying that any average Joe who eats a bad diet would develop mental problems.

    First, that could be disproven just taking a look around the block. The general population has SO MANY with crap diets, and yet huge numbers of them do not have mental illnesses. If diet alone was the cause of mental illness, we'd have a lot more of it, would we not? It's one of those lovely correlation vs. causation issues. There may be studies showing that people with mental illness are more likely to HAVE crap diets, but the REAL question is: are people with crap diets more likely to develop mental illnesses? And I have seen little evidence of THAT sort of clustering of mental illness and poor diets, in studies.

    Second, this belief of poor diet causing mental illness REALLY smacks of a problem that has been in our society for a long, long time. The idea that people with mental illnesses could get better 'if they just tried harder.' It is what causes a lot of bigotry and prejudice against those who are mentally ill (and many of the physically disabled, too, actually). 'You're depressed/schizophrenic/bipolar because you didn't exercise, didn't eat right, didn't do enough yoga, didn't do SOMETHING right.' (seriously, this sort of crap is so prevalent among those with ongoing physical and mental illnesses, there are joke bingo cards on it - https://myheartsisters.org/2014/11/23/chronic-illness-bingo/ )

    Seriously, the attitude falls in line with old beliefs that presume if you are rich, healthy, etc... it's always because YOU did something right (or pleased God). And if someone else is poor, sick, etc.., well, it's because they didn't do what YOU did. They did something wrong (or pissed off God). Genetics, mother nature, accidents, vicissitudes of fate - they are all completely ignored as even possible causes.

    That doesn't mean that some people didn't work hard for their good health. I am very aware that some people found what was their problem and worked their butt off to fix it, and it paid off. But assuming this works for everyone ignores the fact that some people worked JUST AS HARD and did not get the same results. Some people ate just as well, did just as much meditation, just as much yoga, and it DID NOT HELP THEM.

    I admit, this is a hot button for me. I and my daughter both have the same disease: celiac disease. For me, the change to gluten free completely cured my depression of over 20 years. Bam, it was gone. Nothing else needed, because the disease had been the underlying cause all along. My daughter? Yeah, it helped a little. She was less tired, but it didn't eliminate her mental illness. NOTHING eliminated that, not meditation, not vitamins, not a better diet that involves organic foods, and is almost entirely made from scratch with veggies and fruits and so on. She. needed medication, and even with that, she still struggles.

    And I have heard SO MANY people give her advice about how to 'make it better.' As though it is obvious that ANYONE suffering from mental illness just needs to do X exercises or eat Y foods and they'd be completely cured. And aren't we so silly for not realizing that and taking no measures at all to try and help her, all this time. :-/

    I think what it boils down to, and people who say 'poor diet is causing it all' aren't getting, is that people are complicated. What goes wrong in the human body can be complicated. And there we're all unique, on top of that. So assuming that we KNOW why something is happening to the entire population is entirely too simplistic of a view.

    OMG I love this!!!! So true. I have crohn's and apparently everyone (who doesn't have it) is a doctor and knows the cure. It's frustrating. The worst I have seen is for cancer patients. I follow a few children with cancer on fb who are in the last stages and on every post someone inevitably asks if they have tried (insert any random alternative medicine or diet). I feel that's very insulting and implies that the parents haven't gone to the end of the earth looking for a cure and are just letting their child die.
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    shaumom wrote: »
    To respond to the original question:

    Can diet affect mental health?
    Sure. In fact, I'd say 'obviously.' Because firstly, our mind is simply part of our body, and it requires certain nutrients to function properly, because they are required to make certain neurochemicals, for certain processes to work, and so on. That's a no brainer.

    Second, for SOME people, diet has a bigger impact on their body. Celiac disease is known for causing depression and anxiety, so a dietary change for a celiac is going to have a huge impact. Some people have problems processing sulfur due to a metabolic pathway issue so need a low sulfur diet. Some people can't process fats well, or protein, or whatever...so for all of these folks, diet is going to be more impactful than for the general population.

    Not the SAME diet, mind you. A SPECIFIC diet. Just 'eating better' is not going to do anything other than make a person healthier in general. And for those with illnesses or conditions that involve special diets, 'eating better' may be different than for the general population, anyway, and actually cause harm.

    That said...
    Are these people mentally unwell BECAUSE they had a bad diet?

    No. Just no. Because the question here is NOT whether or not people who, say, have celiac disease are mentally unwell because they have a bad diet. It's implying that any average Joe who eats a bad diet would develop mental problems.

    First, that could be disproven just taking a look around the block. The general population has SO MANY with crap diets, and yet huge numbers of them do not have mental illnesses. If diet alone was the cause of mental illness, we'd have a lot more of it, would we not? It's one of those lovely correlation vs. causation issues. There may be studies showing that people with mental illness are more likely to HAVE crap diets, but the REAL question is: are people with crap diets more likely to develop mental illnesses? And I have seen little evidence of THAT sort of clustering of mental illness and poor diets, in studies.

    Second, this belief of poor diet causing mental illness REALLY smacks of a problem that has been in our society for a long, long time. The idea that people with mental illnesses could get better 'if they just tried harder.' It is what causes a lot of bigotry and prejudice against those who are mentally ill (and many of the physically disabled, too, actually). 'You're depressed/schizophrenic/bipolar because you didn't exercise, didn't eat right, didn't do enough yoga, didn't do SOMETHING right.' (seriously, this sort of crap is so prevalent among those with ongoing physical and mental illnesses, there are joke bingo cards on it - https://myheartsisters.org/2014/11/23/chronic-illness-bingo/ )

    Seriously, the attitude falls in line with old beliefs that presume if you are rich, healthy, etc... it's always because YOU did something right (or pleased God). And if someone else is poor, sick, etc.., well, it's because they didn't do what YOU did. They did something wrong (or pissed off God). Genetics, mother nature, accidents, vicissitudes of fate - they are all completely ignored as even possible causes.

    That doesn't mean that some people didn't work hard for their good health. I am very aware that some people found what was their problem and worked their butt off to fix it, and it paid off. But assuming this works for everyone ignores the fact that some people worked JUST AS HARD and did not get the same results. Some people ate just as well, did just as much meditation, just as much yoga, and it DID NOT HELP THEM.

    I admit, this is a hot button for me. I and my daughter both have the same disease: celiac disease. For me, the change to gluten free completely cured my depression of over 20 years. Bam, it was gone. Nothing else needed, because the disease had been the underlying cause all along. My daughter? Yeah, it helped a little. She was less tired, but it didn't eliminate her mental illness. NOTHING eliminated that, not meditation, not vitamins, not a better diet that involves organic foods, and is almost entirely made from scratch with veggies and fruits and so on. She. needed medication, and even with that, she still struggles.

    And I have heard SO MANY people give her advice about how to 'make it better.' As though it is obvious that ANYONE suffering from mental illness just needs to do X exercises or eat Y foods and they'd be completely cured. And aren't we so silly for not realizing that and taking no measures at all to try and help her, all this time. :-/

    I think what it boils down to, and people who say 'poor diet is causing it all' aren't getting, is that people are complicated. What goes wrong in the human body can be complicated. And there we're all unique, on top of that. So assuming that we KNOW why something is happening to the entire population is entirely too simplistic of a view.

    OMG I love this!!!! So true. I have crohn's and apparently everyone (who doesn't have it) is a doctor and knows the cure. It's frustrating. The worst I have seen is for cancer patients. I follow a few children with cancer on fb who are in the last stages and on every post someone inevitably asks if they have tried (insert any random alternative medicine or diet). I feel that's very insulting and implies that the parents haven't gone to the end of the earth looking for a cure and are just letting their child die.

    I love this too. I have moderate bipolar disorder, and the only thing that helps my mental illness is a handful of medication twice a day. Including vitamin D, which I supplement rather than going outside in the sun. It's very hot here most of the year, and I don't like the heat.

    Good nutrition and exercise help my health, but neither have any bearing on my mood swings.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    jesslla wrote: »
    shaumom wrote: »
    To respond to the original question:

    Can diet affect mental health?
    Sure. In fact, I'd say 'obviously.' Because firstly, our mind is simply part of our body, and it requires certain nutrients to function properly, because they are required to make certain neurochemicals, for certain processes to work, and so on. That's a no brainer.

    Second, for SOME people, diet has a bigger impact on their body. Celiac disease is known for causing depression and anxiety, so a dietary change for a celiac is going to have a huge impact. Some people have problems processing sulfur due to a metabolic pathway issue so need a low sulfur diet. Some people can't process fats well, or protein, or whatever...so for all of these folks, diet is going to be more impactful than for the general population.

    Not the SAME diet, mind you. A SPECIFIC diet. Just 'eating better' is not going to do anything other than make a person healthier in general. And for those with illnesses or conditions that involve special diets, 'eating better' may be different than for the general population, anyway, and actually cause harm.

    That said...
    Are these people mentally unwell BECAUSE they had a bad diet?

    No. Just no. Because the question here is NOT whether or not people who, say, have celiac disease are mentally unwell because they have a bad diet. It's implying that any average Joe who eats a bad diet would develop mental problems.

    First, that could be disproven just taking a look around the block. The general population has SO MANY with crap diets, and yet huge numbers of them do not have mental illnesses. If diet alone was the cause of mental illness, we'd have a lot more of it, would we not? It's one of those lovely correlation vs. causation issues. There may be studies showing that people with mental illness are more likely to HAVE crap diets, but the REAL question is: are people with crap diets more likely to develop mental illnesses? And I have seen little evidence of THAT sort of clustering of mental illness and poor diets, in studies.

    Second, this belief of poor diet causing mental illness REALLY smacks of a problem that has been in our society for a long, long time. The idea that people with mental illnesses could get better 'if they just tried harder.' It is what causes a lot of bigotry and prejudice against those who are mentally ill (and many of the physically disabled, too, actually). 'You're depressed/schizophrenic/bipolar because you didn't exercise, didn't eat right, didn't do enough yoga, didn't do SOMETHING right.' (seriously, this sort of crap is so prevalent among those with ongoing physical and mental illnesses, there are joke bingo cards on it - https://myheartsisters.org/2014/11/23/chronic-illness-bingo/ )

    Seriously, the attitude falls in line with old beliefs that presume if you are rich, healthy, etc... it's always because YOU did something right (or pleased God). And if someone else is poor, sick, etc.., well, it's because they didn't do what YOU did. They did something wrong (or pissed off God). Genetics, mother nature, accidents, vicissitudes of fate - they are all completely ignored as even possible causes.

    That doesn't mean that some people didn't work hard for their good health. I am very aware that some people found what was their problem and worked their butt off to fix it, and it paid off. But assuming this works for everyone ignores the fact that some people worked JUST AS HARD and did not get the same results. Some people ate just as well, did just as much meditation, just as much yoga, and it DID NOT HELP THEM.

    I admit, this is a hot button for me. I and my daughter both have the same disease: celiac disease. For me, the change to gluten free completely cured my depression of over 20 years. Bam, it was gone. Nothing else needed, because the disease had been the underlying cause all along. My daughter? Yeah, it helped a little. She was less tired, but it didn't eliminate her mental illness. NOTHING eliminated that, not meditation, not vitamins, not a better diet that involves organic foods, and is almost entirely made from scratch with veggies and fruits and so on. She. needed medication, and even with that, she still struggles.

    And I have heard SO MANY people give her advice about how to 'make it better.' As though it is obvious that ANYONE suffering from mental illness just needs to do X exercises or eat Y foods and they'd be completely cured. And aren't we so silly for not realizing that and taking no measures at all to try and help her, all this time. :-/

    I think what it boils down to, and people who say 'poor diet is causing it all' aren't getting, is that people are complicated. What goes wrong in the human body can be complicated. And there we're all unique, on top of that. So assuming that we KNOW why something is happening to the entire population is entirely too simplistic of a view.

    OMG I love this!!!! So true. I have crohn's and apparently everyone (who doesn't have it) is a doctor and knows the cure. It's frustrating. The worst I have seen is for cancer patients. I follow a few children with cancer on fb who are in the last stages and on every post someone inevitably asks if they have tried (insert any random alternative medicine or diet). I feel that's very insulting and implies that the parents haven't gone to the end of the earth looking for a cure and are just letting their child die.

    I love this too. I have moderate bipolar disorder, and the only thing that helps my mental illness is a handful of medication twice a day. Including vitamin D, which I supplement rather than going outside in the sun. It's very hot here most of the year, and I don't like the heat.

    Good nutrition and exercise help my health, but neither have any bearing on my mood swings.

    Oh man, when I had my breakdown (and subsequent bipolar 2 diagnosis) EVERYONE had an opinion on how I should treat it and what would definitely help. Completely unsolicited. Drove me absolutely potty and it was very very hard to be polite when telling them where to shove it.