Train Eat Gain/ Trinity Programme

Does anyone here have any experience with Train Eat Gain's Trinity programme, or any of their other programmes? It looks fab, but I want to do my research before I commit the money!


  • AmyWhitty
    AmyWhitty Posts: 20 Member

    Did you start with trinity? I'm starting in new year!
  • julielh72
    julielh72 Posts: 92 Member
    I started yesterday. First day on the 2 week diet makeover went really well. Went to bed at 9.30pm to avoid snacking temptations!
  • AmyWhitty
    AmyWhitty Posts: 20 Member
    Oh brilliant. Is it the free two week plan or have you actually joined? Sorry for all the questions!

    Amy x
  • worldofalice
    worldofalice Posts: 148 Member
    AmyWhitty wrote: »

    Did you start with trinity? I'm starting in new year!

    I did! 8 weeks in, and it's great - I'm trying to gain weight rather than lose, but people seem to see great results for both - although you need patience. This isn't a quick fix, it's the real deal - give it time!
  • Cooperburn
    Cooperburn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies...i am one if the 100 starting in the New Year are you finding the macro counting if i may ask?
  • worldofalice
    worldofalice Posts: 148 Member
    Cooperburn wrote: »
    Hi Ladies...i am one if the 100 starting in the New Year are you finding the macro counting if i may ask?

    If you're used to using MFP then you shouldn't find it too hard! It has definite benefits compared with just calorie-counting - I had been massively under-eating fats and carbs, so it's a great way of getting balance that is often neglected by calorie-counters. It's a bit of faff but you soon get used to it! And the boys ease you in pretty gradually.
  • julielh72
    julielh72 Posts: 92 Member
    AmyWhitty wrote: »
    Oh brilliant. Is it the free two week plan or have you actually joined? Sorry for all the questions!

    Amy x

    I fully joined. I started, got ill and restarted on Sunday 8th Jan. So now I am 3 days in on the Diet Makeover and have woken up with another cold today! I'm not going for another restart so I'm sticking with it and doing a workout tonight. Feeling determined!
  • crazycranberry
    crazycranberry Posts: 117 Member
    I too came across the Trinity (Train Eat Gain) programme. So, for those of you that started the Trinity programme earlier this year I am interested to know how you are all getting on 7months later? Was the programme easy to follow? Are you still following it and have new habits been formed? Were the results as good as you'd hoped? Cheers :)
  • bgeorgie13
    bgeorgie13 Posts: 10 Member
    I too came across the Trinity (Train Eat Gain) programme. So, for those of you that started the Trinity programme earlier this year I am interested to know how you are all getting on 7months later? Was the programme easy to follow? Are you still following it and have new habits been formed? Were the results as good as you'd hoped? Cheers :)

    I signed up to TEG in June this year after trying the Body Coach (which didn't work for me) and I'm still loving it and raving about it to anyone who'd listen :smile:

    They changed their proposition and they are now the Trinity Transformations Academy, a 1 year programme designed to teach you everything you need so that you never have to diet again. I'm in semester 2, which focuses on mindset, I don't know if there is anything else out there that does that.

    I can vouch the system truly works IF you are prepared to put the work in! It is not for those that expect immediate results (after all no one accumulates fat overnight, why expect it to go quickly?!) and love to whinge and blame anyone and everything but themselves if "the plan doesn't work". Ben and Rob are straight talking, and I love that but I guess there are lots of people who might not!

    My problem was that most of my fat was concentrated around the middle and while to others I looked slim, I felt really uncomfortable and hated the way I looked. 4 months in, I have lost about 7% body fat, got my waist back, I can see my abs and only a bit of fat left to lose so I can feel lean. Everyone is different and personally, I don't care what the scales say but if anyone is interested I have lost 6kg. I look toned, can hardly see any cellulite and getting close to those dream abs plus have so much energy - I am super happy with my results :blush: Once I get to my goal (which should be in about 4 weeks) I can decide whether to change programme to maintenance or gain muscle - there is a team to help with personalised plans and I never felt like a number on a spreadsheet or that the responses to my queries are a cut & paste job (as I did on The Body Coach).

    I was used to tracking calories on MFP and drinking green smoothies every day but other habits (i.e. meditation and logging something positive every day) took a bit longer to form. Now I don't know how I ever managed without them.

    As worldofalice said, the boys ease you into it gradually so it's not scary! I got a lot more out of this programme than I ever thought I would - it's an education system, not a diet. The workouts can be brutal sometimes but I love them as I can see the results! To me, this feels like I have a personal trainer, nutritionist and life coach for a fraction of the cost!

    The support is great, both from the team and the network of chicas on the programme. Once I get to my goal (which should be in about 3-4 weeks) I can decide whether to change programme to maintenance or gain muscle - there is a team to help with personalised plans and I never felt like a number on a spreadsheet as I did on The Body Coach.

    Long post, I know! I hope all the ladies who have recently joined or planning to join in the new year achieve their goals and love TTA as much as I do :smiley: