

  • Welcome to MFP!! I have am doing WW also, I just started last week on the new Points Plus program. I did WW about 10 years ago with the old points program and lost over 50 lbs, which I have been able to mostly keep off but I still have a ways to go to reach my goal weight, and since reaching middle-age, it is becoming more…
  • @ bebababy & tattooedmom44: Thank you! I like the idea of keeping a notebook, I actually do this while I am at work but should carry one with me too if I eat anything while I'm out. I agree with both of you that keeping track of everything I eat and all my activity is going to be helpful. It helps me be honest with myself…
  • Thanks for the tips! I also usually eat most of my food for the day before noon, most of the time. Oh and my employer sponsors the WW@W so my fees will be 100% reimbursed after the 12-week program. WW did work for me and I used the things I learned there about portion control, activity, smart food choices to help keep the…