Dorcioman42 Member


  • Thanks Steve, I o squats and lunges using body weights and body weight. I use most of the machines at the gym, I do 10-20 in cardio befoe I do strength training, like running, cycling or use the rowing machine... I recently purchased Kayla Itsines's workout and will incorporate it in my fitness regime. It's about doing 30…
  • Just posted 2 more photos, let me know what you think, and send me tips on how I can improve my body :) Thanks all!
  • Hi Steve, Thank you for the tips :) Pull ups??? I tried once, and failed....embarrassing, being going to gym for long time and can't do one single pull up :((( I did weights before but very light and became more serious about it only a couple months ago. I do a lot of squats, lunges with weights and my legs are still big,…
  • Thank you for your answers guys! I forgot to mention something odd that happened few months ago. Due to moving I wasn't able to go to the gym for 2 weeks (I think I only went once) and my cellulite got worse and I've put on a bit of weight although I was eating healthy and not more than usual. Maybe it's my age (34)? This…
  • Hi guys, I have one question: if you stop lifting/exercising for few weeks ( 2-3 weeks or more) do you lose the muscle tone? I got a friend who said if she doesn't go to the gym for 2 weeks she would lose all the muscle she built!!! If I skip the gym for 1 week (due to work or travel) I can see and feel a difference in the…
  • Thank you for the links capt_apollo! They are great!!! You've got lucky genes leslisa :) I already started following your tips! I am already eating more food (good and healthy) as I don't want to lose any more fat (maybe just the cellulite fat which I don't mind). Up until now I've been more focused on my lower body (due…
  • Thank you everyone :) Would try everything suggested. How often should I lift weights, for how long and should I take whey protein to help me develop muscles faster? Thanks!
  • Hi leslisa, thank you for your reply...Yes, I would like to increase the size of my neck and shoulders. My collarbone is very prominent and they stick out a bit. My neck is very small the trapezium muscle is small as well. My upper half looks boney :( but my lower body is nice and curvy... I m not sure how many calories I…