how to build a strong upper body

Hello everyone!
I a new to myfitnesspal and happy to meet so many people focused on living a healthy lifestyle. I would like to share a bit about myself and would like to ask for some advice :)
I just turned 34, I weight 51 kg, I am 1.60cm and I go to the gym at least 3 times a week and do light cardio and focus on doing weights/lunges/squats, I use free weights as well as many machines in the gym. I spend about 2 hours in the gym. I have been going to the gym for the past 3 years but recently got more serious about exercising as I have noticed a lot of cellulite on my buttocks and thighs (even on my knees!). I have lost 10 kg in the past 2 years. I eat very healthy, lots of veg, fruit, grains, protein, fish, nuts...I avoid saturated fats and sugar.
My cellulite has improved a lot since I started using free weights and doing more squats and lunges with weights (2 months ago) and I think I have lost more weight or maybe my muscles are more toned and longer...I am a pear shape and I have become quite skinny on my upper body. I am happy with my lower body (although I still have some cellulite) and I have a flat and toned stomach but I am not happy with my collarbones who are protruding and they stick out above the shoulders. I have a small neck and shoulders. My husband suggested I put on more weight but I am worried the weight will go on my lower body and very little on my upper body...What should I do? The summer is coming and I am uncomfortable to wear tank tops and reveal my shoulders/chest...Please give me some advice, I was thinking about taking whey protein but I don't want to bulk up, I just want a toned body, not skinny...
Thank you so much!!!


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I think what you are asking is if there are lifting exercises that you can do to increase the size of your neck and shoulders? If that is the question, yes, there is.

    Do you need to eat more cals? I don't know what you are eating now so I can't really assist with.

    Perhaps one of the wonderful body builders here can advise on the exercises for the increase of muscle in the uppers.

    Best of luck!

  • Dorcioman42
    Dorcioman42 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi leslisa, thank you for your reply...Yes, I would like to increase the size of my neck and shoulders. My collarbone is very prominent and they stick out a bit. My neck is very small the trapezium muscle is small as well. My upper half looks boney :( but my lower body is nice and curvy...
    I m not sure how many calories I eat, I think normally about 1700-1800 per day, sometimes 1500, other times 2000 calories. I know that women don't tend to build up muscle easily so I suppose I would have to work out really hard on it :(
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    No. When I was body building, I increased my proteins, decreased my carbs. Instead of snacking on pretzels, I snacked on tuna or celery. It's not as hard as you might think. As far as neck increase, maybe this would help:

    They probably have articles on the collarbone area also :wink:
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Lift to develop the musculature in your weak areas ... specifically the shoulders, neck, pecs, and upper back. Incline press, overhead press, upright rows, shrugs, etc
  • trishfit2014
    trishfit2014 Posts: 304 Member
    You can try an over all weight lifting plan. has some great plans. Doing shoulder work like overhead press and doing some chest and back work would help as well. I am a pear too. I have worked hard on upper body weight lifting and no longer feel too skinny on my upper body.
  • Dorcioman42
    Dorcioman42 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you everyone :) Would try everything suggested. How often should I lift weights, for how long and should I take whey protein to help me develop muscles faster?

  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thank you everyone :) Would try everything suggested. How often should I lift weights, for how long and should I take whey protein to help me develop muscles faster?


    The whey does help. I've seen the difference in my sons between when they are taking it and they are not. I used to lift 6 days a week. 3 upper, 3 lower, 1 off . Core (abs) all six days. Articles referenced are good. Check them out.

    I should post a disclaimer. My family is naturally prone to musculature. Even now - I weigh in at 135 but I'm only a size 5. At 5'1" I should look a lot fatter but my bones are dense and I carry a lot of muscle that I do about zippo to maintain. If you have a small frame it's much harder to put that muscle on so don't get discouraged. We're pulling for you!
  • Dorcioman42
    Dorcioman42 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for the links capt_apollo! They are great!!!
    You've got lucky genes leslisa :)

    I already started following your tips! I am already eating more food (good and healthy) as I don't want to lose any more fat (maybe just the cellulite fat which I don't mind). Up until now I've been more focused on my lower body (due to the cellulite and fat) but now I will be doing more lifting to build some muscle on my upper body. I am so fed up with people saying I am too skinny :( and trying to explain to them that that is my body shape and it's not much I could do... I know it's going to be hard work but I won't give up :) I already changed the way my lower body looks so there is hope for the upper part :)))

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Dorcioman42
    Dorcioman42 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi guys, I have one question: if you stop lifting/exercising for few weeks ( 2-3 weeks or more) do you lose the muscle tone? I got a friend who said if she doesn't go to the gym for 2 weeks she would lose all the muscle she built!!!

    If I skip the gym for 1 week (due to work or travel) I can see and feel a difference in the way my body feels and when I go back to the gym it takes a bit of time to get used to exercising/lifting...Is it true or it's just all in my mind?

    Thanks all!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    3 weeks to lose whatever you have built if you are working out consistently. Less than that the older you get. Yes, after 1 week it's hard to get back on the horse and you should go slowly, but it's not so much that you lost the muscle as much as your muscle memory isn't established from years of working out. Careful not to overstretch, too. Ease into it the first couple of days, better to be safe than out for 3 more weeks from pulling something.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    3 weeks to lose whatever you have built if you are working out consistently. Less than that the older you get. Yes, after 1 week it's hard to get back on the horse and you should go slowly, but it's not so much that you lost the muscle as much as your muscle memory isn't established from years of working out. Careful not to overstretch, too. Ease into it the first couple of days, better to be safe than out for 3 more weeks from pulling something.

    This isn't true. You're not going to lose all the muscle you've built in 3 weeks. That's not how human physiology works. In fact, I deload by either going very light on my lifts or take a week off entirely about once every 2 months. I almost always come back just as strong, and sometimes even stronger.

    OP, based on your follow-up question, I took off from the gym from August to December. I had some loss of functional strength, and some parts looked a little less firm, but it was very easy to step back in, and it took about a month to get my lifts back up to where they were when I quit. Like I said, I was out for 4 months. 3 weeks is nothing. You might be a little sore when you start back up, but you won't lose a whole lot. Just make sure you're keeping protein up and try to do some bodyweight work if you can't get your hands on some dumbbells or to any machines (because hotels simply don't have barbells 90% of the time).
  • Dorcioman42
    Dorcioman42 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for your answers guys!

    I forgot to mention something odd that happened few months ago. Due to moving I wasn't able to go to the gym for 2 weeks (I think I only went once) and my cellulite got worse and I've put on a bit of weight although I was eating healthy and not more than usual. Maybe it's my age (34)? This scares me as sometimes I won't be able to exercise due to travelling or sickness, and I am becoming a bit paranoid if I have to skip gym sometimes, I worry a lot. Does this happen to you? Do you worry if you can't go to gym? Does your body changes in any way if you stop exercising for few days?

    Have a great day!
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    A bit late to this thread....

    If you want to build a strong upper body...

    Pull ups / Chin up / Dips...especially Dips! (They are like the squats of the upper body)

    Why has nobody mentioned any of theses? There is also a reason you don't see many gym goers do theses, they can be tough and you need strength. Another great thing about those exercises, which ties into another question you have, you can do them ANYWHERE almost!

    For the more recent questions. 2, 3, 4 weeks isn't enough time to lose much in terms of strength and muscle. Your muscles have amazing memory, we don't give them enough credit. I stop lifting for YEARS, came back, and in a matter of months, was putting up new PR's.

    If you start worrying about missing gym workouts, you should look into bodyweight and minimalist training, for when you can't hit the gym.

    I also recommend Nerd Fitness for references.

    Also, Ross Enamait. The guy has great advice and books on this kind of stuff. Never Gymless is great read.

    Hope this helps OP.
  • Dorcioman42
    Dorcioman42 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for the tips :)
    Pull ups??? I tried once, and failed....embarrassing, being going to gym for long time and can't do one single pull up :(((
    I did weights before but very light and became more serious about it only a couple months ago. I do a lot of squats, lunges with weights and my legs are still big, they are not toned, I still have cellulite. Maybe is the age, I don't know but I feel so disappointed lately, I don't look like someone who goes to gym regularly and does any lifting. I purchased some firming cream/anti cellulite as I can't have patience anymore. I want to feel confident to wear shorts and mini skirts again...

    Does it really take that long to make my legs slimmer and build a strong upper body? Fed up already...

    I mentioned before that I eat healthily, lots of protein, veg and fruit. Maybe I should eat even more of these???
  • Dorcioman42
    Dorcioman42 Posts: 9 Member
    Just posted 2 more photos, let me know what you think, and send me tips on how I can improve my body :)
    Thanks all!
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for the tips :)
    Pull ups??? I tried once, and failed....embarrassing, being going to gym for long time and can't do one single pull up :(((
    I did weights before but very light and became more serious about it only a couple months ago. I do a lot of squats, lunges with weights and my legs are still big, they are not toned, I still have cellulite. Maybe is the age, I don't know but I feel so disappointed lately, I don't look like someone who goes to gym regularly and does any lifting. I purchased some firming cream/anti cellulite as I can't have patience anymore. I want to feel confident to wear shorts and mini skirts again...

    Does it really take that long to make my legs slimmer and build a strong upper body? Fed up already...

    I mentioned before that I eat healthily, lots of protein, veg and fruit. Maybe I should eat even more of these???

    Pull ups aren't easy that's for sure, but a great upper body exercise. There are a few ways to progress with them. I find Isometrics holds work great. Pull yourself to the top position (jumping helps) hold, lower, hold, lower. Also, you can use bands for assistance. You can also use a chair, push up with one leg.

    Are you following a progressive strength program? What are you using for Squats and lunges. Even with a deficit, if you keep your protein intake where it should be and hit your macros, you can still build some muscle and re-comp (tone).

    A program like Starting Strength, Stronglifts is something to look into. Most of the exercises are compound lift and work the entire body, therefor, no need to work every much extra in terms of isolation exercises.

    It seems from your pictures you have a pretty good solid foundation already built up, so the progression might be a little slower now, so a new program might be something to look into.
  • Dorcioman42
    Dorcioman42 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Steve,

    I o squats and lunges using body weights and body weight. I use most of the machines at the gym, I do 10-20 in cardio befoe I do strength training, like running, cycling or use the rowing machine... I recently purchased Kayla Itsines's workout and will incorporate it in my fitness regime. It's about doing 30 min strength training 3 times per week and 3 days per week cardio. I do Kayla's workout at home and the other 3 days I go to gym and do cardio, lifting and other exercises.

    I am really hoping to see results soon.