beauby Member


  • I agree! Vita Top muffins! I just had my first a couple days's definitely hits the spot for that chocolate craving. The first bite, I tasted a little bit of that vitamin along with the chocolate, after that, the vitamin taste didn't seem to exist because it was so good.
  • I've been having it everyday for 4 weeks now. So far, I have lost a pound a week as planned. I'm short and I don't weigh that much, so that pound a week is pretty good for me. I'm also doing TurboFire, so I can't say if it's Shakeology that's doing it all. It's definitely helping!
  • Hey everyone, I started Monday, August 6th as well! I did the 5 Day Inferno Plan last week and had good results. It really does get your body ready for the first week of TurboFire. It was not easy, but I did it. :) So far, I think this first week is pretty easy (maybe due to doing the 5 Day Inferno Plan last week). Is…