
Has anyone here used Shakeology? If so, any success???


  • beauby
    beauby Posts: 3 Member
    I've been having it everyday for 4 weeks now. So far, I have lost a pound a week as planned. I'm short and I don't weigh that much, so that pound a week is pretty good for me. I'm also doing TurboFire, so I can't say if it's Shakeology that's doing it all. It's definitely helping!
  • Thanks! Did you purhase it from thier direct site?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I used it for about a month or so. No real difference than a quality multivitamin and a quality protein powder, except the cost.
  • skjerve12
    skjerve12 Posts: 40 Member
    I have been using it pretty much every day for a month while also doing P90x. I have lost about 12 lbs so far in 45 days, but really notice a difference in terms of energy levels and measurements...have lost 3 and a half inches off my waist - so yeah I say it works.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I have been using it pretty much every day for a month while also doing P90x. I have lost about 12 lbs so far in 45 days, but really notice a difference in terms of energy levels and measurements...have lost 3 and a half inches off my waist - so yeah I say it works.

    Have you done P90x for a month while following the same diet and workout plan but without the skakeology? What about the same diet/same workout plan, but substituting a protein shake for the shakeology?

    Just wondering how you know it's the shakeology that's giving the results.

  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    At $140 a month, I think you could find a multi vitamin, protein powder, and gym member ship that would only run you HALF of that for the month for all three.
  • skjerve12
    skjerve12 Posts: 40 Member
    I am not saying it is the shakeology by itself - I know the workouts and the diet are helping a great deal. I have always not eaten enough veggies, so I am okay with paying the extra for the shakeology knowing I am getting servings of fruits and veggies in it - also it is a great appetite supressant, it is keeping me very regular, and frankly I feel absolutely wonderful on this stuff....whether it is all in my head or not, I dont care...I am getting the results I want.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I am not saying it is the shakeology by itself - I know the workouts and the diet are helping a great deal. I have always not eaten enough veggies, so I am okay with paying the extra for the shakeology knowing I am getting servings of fruits and veggies in it - also it is a great appetite supressant, it is keeping me very regular, and frankly I feel absolutely wonderful on this stuff....whether it is all in my head or not, I dont care...I am getting the results I want.

    And that's great, but it's misleading to suggest that shakeology works based on your experience when your experience is much more than just shakeology.
  • skjerve12
    skjerve12 Posts: 40 Member
    Actually I never said that shakeology in itself...I recognize it is the whole package of diet, nutrition, and exercise....not a salesman here....just someone giving my honest opinion based on my experience.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    OP's question:
    Has anyone here used Shakeology? If so, any success???

    Your response:
    I have been using it pretty much every day for a month while also doing P90x. I have lost about 12 lbs so far in 45 days, but really notice a difference in terms of energy levels and measurements...have lost 3 and a half inches off my waist - so yeah I say it works.

    Specifically this part:
    so yeah I say it works.

  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Save your money and get a $15 jug of protein powder from walmart.
  • jami54
    jami54 Posts: 12 Member
    I have been drinking Shakeology for over a month now and I have noticed a big difference. I have more energy than before, my cravings are gone ( I have been able to quit drinking pop and don't crave it at all anymore!) I have lost almost 10 lbs and 5 inches, and it keeps me full! I am not hungry an hour or two later!

    ****STAFF NOTE: Post has been edited due to violations of guideline #14****
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Have you done P90x for a month while following the same diet and workout plan but without the skakeology? What about the same diet/same workout plan, but substituting a protein shake for the shakeology?

    Just wondering how you know it's the shakeology that's giving the results.

    I completed 2 rounds of P90X without Shakeology. Results were good. I then began drinking Shakeology and have done so each day for the past 16 months. Well past my goal weight. Results after beginning Shakeology and using it for a 3rd round of P90X I dropped another 13-14 pounds. I also found that my cravings were gone as well. Oh, another side benefit, even after changing my diet/nutrition during those 2 rounds of P90X my acid reflux was still raging. So badly that when I went to see my doctor, they hooked me up to an EKG to make sure I wasn't having a heart attack because of the pain. I was on prescription meds and taking OTC Prilosec as well. I stopped taking the prescription meds and OTC meds because I wanted a natural form of medicine to get rid of the problem. So a month after stopping the meds I started using Shakeology (one of the worse months ever not having anything to help with it). Within 2 weeks I could tell a difference. By months end, it was gone. Only thing changed was drinking Shakeology.
    Save your money and get a $15 jug of protein powder from walmart.

    When recommending a product it's good to know something about the product you are recommending and the one you are wanting people to stay away from. The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about. ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
    Comparing a whey protein powder to Shakeology is the equivalent of comparing a pinto (whey protein) to a Ferrari (Shakeology). You have to look past the little nutrition label showing you carbs, fat and protein and read the ingredients. That tub of powder from Wal-mart is typically sweetened with sucralose or corn syrup (cause that's good for ya).
  • It's okay, if you can stand the taste. I bet after awhile you get used to the taste though.
  • Thanks so much everyone!! For those who have been using Shakeology, where did you purchase it from?:happy:
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    I've been drinking Shakeology since the day it came out and cant even begin to tell you the changes that I've seen in my skin, hair, health. I did not have a weight issue and never have and tried Shakeology because I am a huge Beachbody fanatic. I have had issues with insomnia for years because of the type of career that I have and thought I would give Shakeology a try because a friend of mines cousin had narcolepsy and was using it, which makes my insomnia look like cakewalk. I love Beachbody programs and have been using them for many years and decided why not and bought some. My insomnia was gone, not just partially gone but gone. However it took me three bags worth for me to completely feel better but within the first bag I was well on my way.
    I notice there are a ton of not only Beachbody haters on this website but Shakology haters as well, 98% of them never even trying the product before and still offering up their opinions. Just try it for a month and see how it works out for you and if you don't like it send it back full refund minus S&H. Go ahead and try to return your $15 protein powder to Walmart empty and see what look they give you when you ask for your money back.
    And no, I am not a Beachbody coach and quite frankly am against that whole BS scheme that they got going. That is the one and only thing I do not like about Beachbody is allowing anyone to become a coach with ZERO experience, but with that being said they themselves still make an excellent product, but you really won't know until YOU try it for yourself.

    You get it on the Beachbody website, click on Shop and then the sub menu comes down and it will be right there. Top right hand screen.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I'm not a fan of whey protein powders so I never had an interest in shakeology. It is also very expensive. I don't like how beach body operates via coaches and what not. Anyway, I decided to try the whey-free version of shakeology. It isn't bad but I do think there are similar products on the market that are cheaper.