7nickels Member


  • We do go on lots of nature walks! Love them :) Good point! The Y is a pretty good distance from my house, 35 min, but this morning I looked in to classes and how I could work it. Also, we have a pool, the where we live the season is nearly over. But, I also looked up some pool workouts & looking forward to trying that out…
  • Thank you for the encouragement. I think I need to just accept where I am & that perhaps a marathon is not in the near future, but is also not unforeseeable. Truly, I dont even know that I want to run! Roller skate & bike - YES! ;) There is a huge difference in being 45 and being 25 in losing weight. I did not believe that…
  • Thanks for all of the info!! I am so happy to have found this "community" section on MFP! So helpful! I downloaded a Noom walker app and I am thinking it isnt too accurate. :)
  • POO!!!! I just wrote very lengthy reply in gratitude for encouragement and some funky thing happened to delete it!! I will write later, but meantime -- THANK YOU ALL!! LOVE this encouragement!! AND...please friend me! Not sure how to do that yet! though I have been a member since '11, this is really the first I have gone…
  • Thank you for your encouragement! I have never done Yoga or Pilates, great ideas! I had PT on my knee and with your post, reminded me of doing those exercises! Thanks!