Yum Ginger snap cookies
Yum Sweet potato pie
Yum! Dark Chocolate Crème Brulee?
Yum! Love hummus and pita! Fried tarantula?
I love to make Tzatziki with it. Tons of good recipes on the net.
I have a special love for Borscht. While I usually include beef and pork, it's also very good as a vegetarian or vegan recipe. Give it a go, just sprinkle a little fresh dill on top of whatever you decide to do.
I'd choose mind control...the ability to choose everyone else's minds. Then I'd have it all! Bwhahahahaha!
I’d cup her face in my hands, then reach back with my right hand to pull her hair close to her head, and move my left hand to the small of her back to pull her in close. So, yes.
Kiss, yes. Sleep with, yes. Marry, maybe.
Interesting how there's not much inappropriate behavior in here. Meh. You can add me - or not. I don't really care. Oh, and just to go with the thread, *kittens*.
Yeah, we'd have plenty of fun. She can steel the pillows and the blankets, but I get to snuggle with her.
Of course! I call big spoon!
For the loneliness to end. How about a cuddle with someone who cares about me as much as I care about them.
I'm about to...
Bacon and scones!
You bring the beer, I'll bring the brats. *fist bump*
Whipped cream
Apples and Cinnamon
Such a saucy maiden...Good Evening, Jo!
Yep. Count me in! But I'm not going down without a fight! At the end of the game, I'm not the one slowly walking up to home plate; I'm the ones sliding in sideways, scuffed and bloody with dirt covering me yelling "Man! What a ride!"
Norfolk, Virginia, USA