How big is this wrap? Usually I can sense when something is too good to be true! Wrap is probably 200 calories at least, chicken 150, 2 pieces of cheese 150, dressing 200? I would say you are looking at around 700-800 calories.
How did you get those abs?! I too have risen from the "mom blob". I've worked out regularly for about 3-years. However, I have just added more strength and have been eating right for about a month. I have a very strong core, but I can't seem to get any definition because of the looser belly skin after my 3 kids. I know…
I am a single mom. I work 2 jobs and I have 3 kids that are all in sports. I hit the gym at 6am before they wake up and when they have sports practice, it's usually at a park with a running path and I run while they practice. You can easily squeeze in squats, push ups, tricep dips and sit-ups while your shower warms up or…
Cardio alone will give you a smaller version of your current body. If you want to reshape your body you have to weight-train.
What kind of cardio are you doing? Does it involve resistance? In my experience as a spinning instructor ( I teach 3, 60 min classes per week) I really start to see the change in the people who are incorporating more strength training into their routine. Those who only come to spin class look the same day in and day out.…
I'm in! I'm one week in and would love to have some motivation from real people instead of pictures of stick-thin women on pinterest!