

  • What would you put this under on the exercise tracker? I have it on my on demand, so I'll be doing it on there! :D Hopefully, it will be on there for 30 days so I dont get confused if I end up having to buy it! haha
  • once you read the books you will be team Edward! I have found that team Jacob people really haven't read the books, class act jerk in the books!
  • Im trying to lose weight for my wedding in October and so I know how you feel! add me if you like, I'd love to have some fellow bride support and im sure that you could use it too! :)
  • my fiance is a PA and he HATES webMD...you cant realy be sure what it is until you see a professional...I agree to take that website's diagnosis with a grain of salt...and what makes you think you have shingles? Shingles is pretty serious and if you REALLY think you have it I would go to the doctor like TOMORROW
    in WebMD Comment by swampole70704 May 2011
  • that's really bad! you have to eat something throughout the day or your body will go into starvation mode... when you DO eat your body will know it's not going to get any more food for a while and will kepp EVERYTHING you are eating! If you munch ont hings throughout the day its better and I bet you won't want to eat so…
  • it's so hard to answer this question, but i think it really is about being comfortable with yourself. I am 5'10 and in high school when i played volleyball I was 180...i was by no means overweight, I was a muscled up beast and VERY healthy..i got into college and lost my muscle and went down to 170..and my dad told me I…
  • Hey! I am new, and really want to try this out! I was wondering if anyone has tried it on a treadmill instead of the street...I live on a very busy road and it's hard for me to get away to go (alone) to the park and run...I wasn;t sure if anyone had any success trying it on a treadmill as well. At least maybe using the…