

  • Wow, I didn't have PreE too badly until closer to the end, I always showed signed, but it didnt get bad until week 34 or so. So I was also gaining 3lbs a week from that. I also had thyroid issues! So it didn't matter how much I dieted and excersised, I maintained my weight and sometimes dropped a pound or two. I went to my…
  • One of my high school friends named her daughter Pixie Rain! It's cute... for a disney character..... I named my daughter Raelena (ray-lee-nah) and surprisingly theres some people that cant pernounce it, but can pernounce our last name, Kamakahi (like kamakazi, but with and H...)
  • 7/10 - I can't eat it (gluten and dairy free) but it does sound yummy. fresh raw broccoli and baby carrots raw broccoli and baby carrots? hmmm... 6/10, it does sound good! baked tilapia, roasted red potatoes and steamed broccoli