jennyco Member


  • Thanks so much. Patience is a virtue - you're so right!!
  • Thank you heybales, I appreciate your time and response. I was getting tracking an activity and logging an activity confused and when I read back through the FAQs I do see it says (a few times) track food in mfp and exercise in Fitbit. Now that I've logged a few activities correctly I see that it replaces it and doesn't…
  • Sorry my questions were so muddled. Let me try to clarify. When I exercise on the stepmill (the kind that is like a treadmill only stairs , so i actually climb the steps) I have noticed that the Fitbit calorie burn is a lot less than the machines total calories burned and the results I get when using my chest strap (Fitbit…
  • Thank you so much for this post. I have read through it and I am still a little confused. When I use my stepmill, I get that I need to start the activity and end the activity on my fitbit charge HR. I also get that I need to update the info because it doesn't accurately count the steps and calories. When I go into the…
  • Hey everyone - this week and part of last have been a total write-off. I've just been feeling 'off'. I don't really feel hungry and my stomach feels upset when I do eat. At first I thought it was a 24 hour bug, but it's still hanging on. We (as in all of my family) also have a bit of a cold, so maybe it goes with the cold.…
  • welcome highwyre. Have you started yet Lizmichele? How is it going? Tatoodfreak - how are you feeling, any word on the surgery? How's everyone else doing? things have been a bit quiet on this thread...
  • laura - I agree with Mark. Why don't you try the lower protein for a phase and see how you feel and what kind of results you get and if you're not happy try the higher amount? do a kind of trial and error approach. Having said that, I'm definately not an expert and I'm not even following the P90X nutrition plan at all. I'm…
  • I wasn't in shape at all either! I just worked away at what I could. I still do knee down push ups and they dreya roll still eludes me (although I do a kind of half dreya roll). I'm doing my second round of the Lean and am amazed at how much more I can do. Regarding the orthotics, I got mine through a foot doctor. I'm not…
  • Sara - about the trip - don't worry too much. I went to the domincan with my family a few weeks ago and didn't get a chance to work out at all (we took our 3 year old and our 9 month old). I did do lots of walking and tried to watch my portion sizes and didn't drink too much and managed to only gain 2 lbs. It wasn't hard…
  • I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who hasn't been totally 'bringing it' this week. Although I've missed a couple of dvds, I have managed to get out for a run, twice on my own (blissful alone time) and once with my husband (he's got a mean streak it seems - but he did push me harder than I would have myself and I felt…
  • hey everyone! I am finally starting the Lean again. I've taken a two week break and managed not to gain any weight back - so that's good. I did measurements and pictures again. I can't believe it, but I've lost 6 inches from my waist, 2 inches from my hips and 16 pounds so far! Just taking the measurements has me geared up…
  • marksball - that's great about your abs - mine are still well hidden. I have a new plan. I was going to start the P90X classic routine, but I have to go the gym in the garage to do most of the workouts and I tried last night but froze my *kitten* off. I've decided to do the Lean routine again and then do the classic when…
  • hey everyone - wow! I miss a week and the board takes off! I've read back some of the posts - there's a few new people - that's great! I was away with the family in the domincan - we had a great time and I only gained 2 lbs! Yay!!! I can't believe it. I did eat a lot of vegetables and fruit though, so that's probably why -…
  • I was really hoping they were impossible! I have to admit that I don't love the bow to boat either. Having said that - I can actually reach back and hold my feet - I couldn't do that when I started. Maybe I need to try another dreya roll again...
  • Hi everyone. I managed to get through the chest shoulders and tris today. I'm having a hard time getting motivated to exercise too - but am always glad after I've finished a workout. I do still have a goal (lose another 15 lbs) and I'll just try to keep that in mind. Jfilon - I can't stand yogaX either - I usually try to…
  • I will do my work out tonight...I will do my workout tonight...I will do my workout tonight... thanks for the inspiration everyone
  • Emilydmo - thanks - that does give me an idea - I really didn't know what to put in for my exercise/cals burned. I think I will try classic next time - I think the only work out I haven't done is the plyo - but I'll have to double check. I did kenpo tonight and really felt it. It's one of my favourites. It's funny how…
  • Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to myfitnesspal and I need to be honest, I didn't go back and read all of the pages of this thread, so I'll apologize in advance if I'm asking something that's already been discussed. I'm in phase 3 of P90X lean and I'm really enjoying it. I have a 4 year old and a 9 month old, so I've been doing…