jjjbkkkk Member


  • Checking in...........not sure how or why, but I'm down .5 a pound. Was really expecting to go up or even stay the same after my splurging all week. Maybe it will show up next week, who knows. Anyway, I'll take the .5 loss................:heart:
  • So good it's fixable............They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But, in your case, it might be a banana a day, keeps the doctor away. Hope you get relief and are boogie-ing around that scenic area soon...........
    in Some news Comment by jjjbkkkk May 2014
  • Horrible I am........... I knew I overate. But a pound a day.........dang. I gained 3.5 pounds over the last 4 days! Is that even possible! That's what I get for not logging food over the holiday and being off work............
  • I'm down 3 pounds this week, total now of 5 gone!
  • Haleyandpaige's....I think it's kinda like at work, you can add time each day and leave earlier on Friday and still have an 80 hr. week. So, in my thinking, if you eat less each day, and a little more on one day, for the week it still keeps you at your goal for the week. But, you're not allowed to carry it over into the…
  • To Herkmeoff who said myself. I'm with you. So exactly what do you do about yourself????
  • I like that pound of butter (LOST) image. I'm going to have to use that.
  • You go girl
  • So I noticed on the home page there was a link on the right to an article for a short exercise routine you could do without equipment, etc. I was wondering if anyone else if following any of the fitness routines on myfitnesspal and if so where they are. I tried some of the ones in this particular 15 min set (hard on my…
  • Hi Everyone. I forgot to weigh myself last night, but did this morning. I've lost 1.5 pounds. Yeah. Hardly can believe it. This is my first week and it's been kind of an up and down ride. Who snuck all those calories I find in such simple foods--must have been the calorie squad............Somehow, I guess, through no fault…
  • If anyone would like to add me as a friend, that would be great. I just started and so far don't have any friend to connect to. Hopefully, we can traverse the path together.....................;-)
  • I am 66.5 and need to lose over 50 lbs. I feel it is impossible and would love to join a group to motivate me. I'd love to see what others are eating and doing for exercise.