rsanchez920 Member


  • No i took it only for the last year almost and ever since I havnt been able to lose. I lost the first 100 lb old fashioned way mainly by compulsive exercising but now I have back injury so exercise is rare
  • Thank u all I will look into it!
  • I got on it a year ago and stayed on it almost a year. I was a Reclusive angry *kitten* the whole time.. lost 14 lbs the first month and had to take it the rest of the year to keep it off :( got off it 2 months ago and have rapidly gained 20 lbs and no matter how much I slash calories/eat well or exercise I still gain…
  • Have a little patience even though its hard.....Try bringing your workout to 1 hr and stay in the fat burning zone which is a moderate level. Up your water intake and try to eat different things for breakfast,lunch, ect to change it up a bit....