

  • Hey there! We have a kinect too, and I use the Biggest Loser game. Not as frequently as I like/should, but we have a fitness center at our apartment complex I go to. Anyway.... I definitely believe Kinect is a great form of exercise. I usually feel a good burn during/after working out with it, and I'll even be sore for the…
    in X Box Kinect Comment by bbuck06 May 2011
  • I'm very interested in seeing some responses, since I've got the same problem! Unfortunately I don't know of any awesome remedies. I only know that they'll fade with time, and hopefully sooner rather than later when losing weight!
  • I (try) to get up at 5 am every day to get my workout in and have time to shower and get myself and my son ready for the day. Like the first reply said, what really helps me is making sure every thing is ready the night before. Work out clothes, water bottle, even work clothes, breakfast, and lunch if you take one. It…