

  • Good for you! 2.8 pound loss is awesome. I've never done the TF/PX90 hybrid but I've done TF/Insanity & TF/ChaLean Extreme hybrids in the past. Neither ChaLean Extreme nor Insanity work for me weight loss wise on their own so... I stick to TF and mix it up with Jillian Michaels workouts, Turbo Kick, and Hip Hop Hustle.…
  • Not really. Fitting into my normal size clothes is my gift and that's good enough for me.
  • I've been doing Turbo Fire since July 2010 and it is, by far my most favorite cardio program ever!! I started Turbo Kick in 2007 and never looked back! This is my first time using Turbo Fire for weight loss. I lost a few pounds and toned up a lot when I first bought Turbo Fire. But at that time, I didn't have any weight to…