

  • I'm going to volunteer in the Israeli Army within the year and all recruits take mandatory Krav Maga classes during basic training, regardless of what job they end up with. Very excited to learn it, glad to hear a bunch of other women enjoy it and excel at it as I've heard it's *very* tough. I had an Israeli counselor at…
    in Krav Maga Comment by raydot April 2012
  • I have exercise induced asthma but do not have regular asthma, and to be honest, after I finish exercising my lungs return to their normal state within about 10 minutes. I don't have "attacks" - I literally just start running and about 60 seconds in (like you) feel extreme congestion and my breath leaves me. I don't cough,…
  • Thank you everyone! I will definitely grab some new shoes because I do walk on a lot of asphalt and my sneakers are getting pretty ratty. Sorry about the confusion, I meant 2 protein-based meals a day, like eggs for breakfast and nuts and babybel cheese as a snack, but I will be sure to try to get some in with every meal.…
  • I'm sorry for what you experienced. Thank you for defending me.
  • ... and you have grown up with stunted empathetic development, this point made obvious by the fact you equate one experience with another before imaging what it feels like. When you lack empathy, you are genuinely not a nice person because you don't know how to feel for other people's pain. You cannot rationalize a kid…
  • ...it's a bit of a stretch to say that for cognitive psychology.
  • Again, it's not the same as it was before. The internet has turned kids *nasty*. Downright disgusting. With the introduction of facebook and ****, kids are confused about what is appropriate and what is too far. There has always been bullying. But today, with the anonymity one can obtain when sitting at a computer, it…
  • And I also think that this should not be focused primarily on the younger generation. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand my peers, most of them are incredibly obnoxious, but it's the entire American atmosphere. There are a bunch of you that have moved beyond "people need to learn how to lose" to just berating and condemning…
  • I have to speak on behalf of the babied generation. YES the grand majority of us are whiny brats with smug senses of self entitlement that they totally do not deserve. They have been babied and are almost intolerable wusses for it. They need to learn how to lose and accept criticism. I agree with you wholeheartedly in that…
  • I don't think there's anything wrong with putting effort in your look if you *want* to, but just realize that you are changing the atmosphere of the gym. The beautiful thing about the gym is that it is an equalizer: everybody there is (theoretically) there to get in shape. It's one thing to wear exercise clothes that may…
  • Best of luck to ya! I'm 5'7 but I'm trying to get to 125. :) If I happen to catch up to you before you lose those last 5 pounds I'd race you to 120, but seeing how much you've lost already that's *probably* not going to happen.