marshmallowhunter Member


  • It's simply untrue that health and weight are not correlated, and that one can be "healthy at any size." If you are morbidly obese due to excess adipose tissue, your morbid obesity is negatively impacting your health in a serious way. There's really no way around that. It's simply impossible to be that fat, and to still be…
  • If I just search that, will packaged meals I find in the database be likely to have similar enough portions that selecting one would be a good estimate, or should I try to estimate how much chow mein, sesame chicken (I think), and dumpling is in the dish, and log them individually?
  • This is what it looks like on a plate.
  • Sometimes I try to try my best, but fail even at that by not even trying.
  • I'm Joe, aged 21. ~160 lbs and 17.2% body fat. I don't really have goal numbers in mind, I just want to lose some fat and look a bit more lean and solid, and less fluffy. Maybe around 10 pounds. I'm just doing SL 5x5 and cardio. Good luck on your goals, e'rybody!
  • I'm with you on Oreos. If I buy a pack, I will finish a pack. My stomach will be in literal pain, but the tongue is stronger than the stomach, I suppose. The tongue always wins. So, like you, I can't buy Oreos anymore. Another big one for me is granola. I thought I was being real healthy until I saw how calorie dense it…
  • Yeah, I've noticed that I eat healthier on workout days, as well. I'll try to exercise more often. Thanks! Hmm. Well, a binge I had recently came after three days of reducing my carb intake. While most sources I have read say that low-carb is perfectly safe and healthy, my mistake was probably trying to jump head-first…
  • {quote} It would be my suggestion to find a therapist to talk through your problems.{/quote} Hmm. I didn't think of it as {i}that{/i} sort of problem, but now that you suggest it, it sounds exactly like an eating disorder. I should probably talk to a professional about it. Thanks! {quote}You say it is triggered by boredom…