Don't worry about specific amounts. Different people need different amounts and you'll need more if you're exercising anyway. Just drink when you're thirsty. It would be hard to drink enough water to damage your body.
On the BBC program that people were discussing, I think he actually did it on 2 consecutive days, but I don't see why it should matter that much. Anyway, if you're already eating healthily, then maybe you don't need to do it.
Well I've never had a baby, but normally your body will put the baby's well-being before your own. My mum lost weight through pregnancy (she felt too sick to eat much) and breast feeding, and that didn't seem to have caused any problems. So don't worry about your milk supply- it's likely that whatever you eat, your baby…
Well I'm sure it's really hard for her and PCOS will make it even harder to lose weight. So just don't go on about it when she's there.
Well exercise doesn't make me feel good, either. I though it would but it doesn't help at all. Going to the gym makes me feel angry because of the horrible music they play, and I'm getting sick of my music. Maybe you should try working out in a social or natural environment? ... Like running outside or joining a class or…
Well, vegetarian food tends to be a lot cheaper, and it's healthy. Beans and lentils are really good. You will probably be able to get them cheaper if you have an Asian shop near you. Otherwise, kippers and tinned sardines can be really really cheap and quite nice. They're also a really good source of omega three. Remember…
Well if you get it from a takeaway/eat out, then it'll probably be really fatty. But Dahl (lentil) dishes are healthy and a low fat source of protein, so you can eat that... If you make it yourself.
Maybe focus on eating healthily rather than losing weight, which he might get offended by. Try encouraging him to eat healthily because of the other health problems you mentioned.
I tend to drink tea and that helps.
I think chickpea flour is gluten free, and I find it really filling. You can make pancakes/wraps with that or something. I suppose other bean flours would be similar. Pulses are lentils/beans etc. Lentil soup is low fat and cheap. Also, there's lots of vegan low calorie blogs, like Chocolate Covered Katie and Fat Free…
I think if you eat it with just water, it won't be very filling. I use skimmed milk, and you can add egg white as well. It makes it really filling.
That's wonderful. I wish that everyone felt like this :-( . but I'd put Thatcher at the top, because she came up with the 'ideology' (I don't think she had one- she was a pragmatist trying to retain in power, and wasn't actually that popular). Also, Gove and Osbourne definitely need to be on there. Redwood, Norman Tebbit…
This is true. I'm 19 and I can't tell how old older people are either. Don't take it personally.