

  • Maybe mine is off then? I just did around 25 minutes of fairly intense cardio (no video, just exercises I've learned) and it said I burned 318 calories. From what I read before I even I even bought the HRM it says it tracks best with a steady state. Which I've been trying to stick to with my cardio now. I don't simply do…
  • Pure protein bars. They're the only low sugar, high in protein bars I found that literally taste like actual candy bars. The peanut caramel chocolate bars are as good or better than snickers to me. 200 cals or less for all the flavors I have. In fact once I start maintaining I doubt I'll ever go back to real candy since…
  • I've been having the same issue lately. I've noticed a good way to avoid easily reaching/surpassing my goal is to keep myself busy. Now I'm not so sure if that's a good thing. Some days I'll go 200 over and my exercises more than cover it. Other days I'll be around 300 under, I'll finish my exercises (200 - 300 cals) and…
  • Thank you all for the advice, but again, mixed information. I have been bumping up my calories quite a bit and lifting weights. But the things about just lifting weights and all: I've been told time and time again, as well read, that if you don't diet to lose weight and burn off those areas that fat is present, regardless…
  • I actually came upon/was given links to articles about studies saying I could starve myself, not that I was trying to, and wouldn't have to worry about anything like starvation mode until around 5% bodyfat. I wasn't trying to follow that path, but like I said, confusing information. But thank you to those with the tips and…
  • The problem I'm having is mixed information. I've been told it's as simple as cutting x amount of calories based on how fast I want to lose, even getting down to 800 calories, while extreme, is not entirely bad as long as they're all from healthy food. I, obviously was put under the impression that 1200 was a minimum if I…
  • My BMR is 1650 So I should be bumping my calorie in take up to around 400 cals? I can easily do that, but my only fear is not losing fast enough to notice progress. That's been a major issue with previous diets and my result of giving up. I suppose I just have to be patient. I've mentioned before on here that my issue…
  • The Peach Tea flavor has been my savior. It all started about a year and a half ago when I was at a sandwich shop and really wanted something to drink that was sweet but low in calories, picked up a peach Diet Snapple and everything changed. Dropped soda completely and switched entirely to it and fruit juices. Crystal…
  • If I go the next size up they'll literally sag/fall off, any tightness in that area at all forms a muffin-top of some degree. Granted it's not very big, it's still enough to.."motivate" me. It's the stubborn fat in general. After many failed diet attempts in the past I feel like if I don't go to extremes I'm never going to…
  • Voices of reason. Figure maybe if I see other people tell me I'm overshotting it'd help since lord knows I won't trust my own opinion thinking it's just me being a slacker and wanting to give up. C4 extreme supplement. The initial HIIT tires me to the point I feel like I'm going to pass out. I do exactly what the trainer…
  • It's more of a "this crap has been haunting me since I lost all that weight about 2 years ago and I just want it to go away." Granted I haven't been dieting all that time, still. I've had off-and-on unsuccessful diets because I never really saw any results to this stubborn fat. I'm extremely committed now, probably more so…
  • Little Debbie Oatmeal pies and Hostess Ding Dongs. I used to be able to sit down and eat an entire box...with probably a half a gallon worth of whole milk with them. Now I can't stand whole milk. Anything more than 2% tastes like pure cream to me.
  • I actually don't have much to lose at all. It's just extremely stubborn. I'm 5'7 and 140lb and have a decent muscle mass. Best guesstimate I could give is I've probably 6 - 7 or so lbs towards the back of my hips near around my glutes area, then this annoying flabby pouch on my stomach that could only be maybe a pound or…
  • Pretty much everything low-cal and/or a healthier alternative to it's counterpart. I love milk/using milk for a lot of things in my diet so I saw it fit to start investing in unsweetened almond milk, being it's only 30cal per 8oz. My only saving grace is the occasional coupon that makes it around 2.50 per carton, where as…
  • Good to know, thank you. I still plan to diet for the most part because I KNOW the extra baggage around my hips creating the lovehandles is fat, I'm just not sure how many pounds exactly I need to lose to thin them out. The pouch on my stomach is..iffy, some days it looks almost tightened up, other days it literally look…
  • I've recently been getting into making my own jello parfait, I make the sugar-free jello (I use raspberry) and scoop around a full cup, but it's only 10 cals per 1/4 a cup, and add a bit of light whipped cream. It comes out to under 100 calories, depending, and it's pretty filling.
  • Yeah, I researched the stuff like crazy before buying and found the whole "sweeteners have significant adverse side effects" crap to be mostly just that. From the articles I read; in order for them to get any negative results (which were still inconclusive) they pumped lab rats with enough of the sweeteners to equal…
  • It's done pretty successful so far in terms of curing my craving. Like with chocolate milk and cereal, I hate having them bland. When I load it up with sweetener it does a decent job. Plus I have good will power when it comes to craving something that really is naturally sweet. Instead of like a hostess cake I will instead…