How committed should I be?

As of now, my diet goals are..iffy. The calculator does not work so well for as I'm not necessarily trying to lose weight. It's just ever since losing a significant amount I'm still left-over with a thin layer to where I have a small "pouch" on my stomach (from the look and feel of it, it's mostly skin), and small love-handles if I wear tight jeans.
I'm trying to lose weight, in that purpose, but I'm also strength training to build muscle.

From what I've noticed, though, I seem to be following guides/going along with diets for people that want to seriously shed pounds. Eating around 1,200 calories a day, avoiding certain foods, and doing a lot of cardio. Should I be this dedicated to the weightloss if I'm only trying to lose enough to basically get rid of small love handles?


  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    You need to determine if you genuinely have weight to lose. If the pouches you speak of truly are simply excess skin then restricting your diet will only stop them from tightening up. The strength training is a good idea and will help in this regard.

    Honestly even if you do have a little to lose a 1200 calorie diet seems excessive. I think you should eat closer to maintenance and up the training as much as possible. That's probably the best way to get what you want.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Look at the body recomposition threads, building muscle is not something you can do in a deficient. So you will need to cut, then bulk or the reverse....many helpful people around and those threads will have the info you need.

    As for how committed you should be, only you can answer that. How much do you care about you? Your looks, health, confidence, strength and stamina? You should always be committedto yourself and anything that would better yourself. Its not a quick fix and would have little benefit or staying power if the commitment isn't there.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You need to determine if you genuinely have weight to lose. If the pouches you speak of truly are simply excess skin then restricting your diet will only stop them from tightening up. The strength training is a good idea and will help in this regard.

    Honestly even if you do have a little to lose a 1200 calorie diet seems excessive. I think you should eat closer to maintenance and up the training as much as possible. That's probably the best way to get what you want.


    you shuld be eatign at more than 10% less than TDEE, and start a decent strength/resistance training programme.

    Cardio is good for you, but wont help much with your issues.
  • ReallyBigJAWS
    Good to know, thank you.

    I still plan to diet for the most part because I KNOW the extra baggage around my hips creating the lovehandles is fat, I'm just not sure how many pounds exactly I need to lose to thin them out. The pouch on my stomach is..iffy, some days it looks almost tightened up, other days it literally look like an empty leather coin purse hanging over my waist.
    Once I have that out of the way I plan on bulking up. I have been doing training/exercises to attempt to tighten skin.