deverajeanne Member


  • This is good advice! Our bodies were meant to handle running - if you are experiencing pain your body is telling you that something is wrong (remember pain is different than discomfort which may only indicate a lack of fitness). My advice is to go to a physiotherapist for an assessment.
  • I coax myself like I would a child: "Just get up and go for a walk. . .you don't have to run, just walk!" After a few minutes, it's usually "Just run for five minutes" which leads to "Just another 1/4 mile, then you can re-evaluate how you feel and maybe stop then". I've powered through many workouts with that bit of…
  • Host a clothes swap with your friends. They bring clothes that they don't want or don't fit and you put it all in a pile in the living room. One person picks up each piece one at a time and asks if anyone in the group likes it. If someone says "yes" it is theirs. If more than one person say "yes" they must each try the…
  • Hang in there! There are sooooo many factors that effect weight. Stress. Where you are at in your 'cycle'. And sometimes your body just 'freaks out' when you make changes and holds on to weight for a little bit as a survival mechanism. Keep doing the things you are doing right and your body will respond. Watch your…