willow2564 Member


  • SW: 188 CW: 188 GW - sep - 180 GW: 148 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (31/AUG Sunday): 188 9/07 Sun: 184.0 9/14 Sun: 182.5 9/21 Sun: 180.5 9/28 Sun: End of Month (9/30 Tue): September Weight Lost so far - 7.5 lbs Good Luck everyone for next week, and well done to all that lost this week.
  • SW: 188 CW: 188 GW - sep - 180 GW: 148 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (31/AUG Sunday): 188 9/07 Sun: 184.0 9/14 Sun: 9/21 Sun: 9/28 Sun: End of Month (9/30 Tue): September Weight Lost so far - 4.0 lbs Good Luck everyone for next week, and well done to all that lost this week.
  • I just started my diet again after the Summer and putting on 7 lbs, so hope its ok that I started it on the 31st Aug - Good Luck everyone :smile: SW: 188 CW: 188 GW: 148 Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (31/AUG Sunday): 188 9/07 Sun: 9/14 Sun: 9/21 Sun: 9/28 Sun: End of Month (9/30 Tue):
  • Hi, Erica, Willow is also not my real name, just part of my selling name, my real name is Audrey, and my four kids still live with me, they are 24, 20, 17 and 10 years, I work from home making artist dolls & bears, been making and selling them at Doll & Teddy fairs since 1991. A challenge ? how about drinking 8 classes of…
  • Hi Jade, I have also had a rest from myfitnesspal during the Summer and lost a lot of my old friends, and put on 7 lbs :0( - so back to my diet to lose weight for good this time. Love the name of your group - Butterfly. I bit about myself - married with 4 kids, and I work from home and do some volunteer work each week,…
  • Hi Trudy, You said liver support ? have you got problems with your liver? I got told two years ago by my Dr, that I have the start of a fatty liver, and I also find it very hard to lose weight, can't eat bread or I blow up in the middle area, I have just gone 50 and now put on weight very easy, mine with going through the…
  • Think I will be able to do the 100 miles, as of today I have walk 50 miles using my fitbit one, been using it since the 9th of May.
  • I like this idea. Age: 49 Height: 5'2 Starting Weight: 185 Current weight: 183 Goal Weight:147 for now.
  • I think this one is good, it has got over 60 songs to pick from and they have a good beat to work to - http://www.amazon.co.uk/NRG-Workout-Explicit-digital-booklet/dp/B00H9ZXVZ0/ref=pd_sim_dmusic_a_43?ie=UTF8&refRID=045P7YEPXP5J2ZK7P03J
  • I am in, did 4.11 miles yesterday, using my fitbit, hoping to do 65 miles or over with me starting late, but will try for 100.
  • I would also like to join, but as its the 11th May going to try for 65 mles if that's ok.
  • I have just joined and am also using the fitbit one, l did 5,506 steps yesterday the first day, and today have done 10,372, it helped today by taking the dog for a walk. I am wanting to lose another 38lbs, been counting my steps with a phone app for the last two weeks, but got sick of carrying my phone around 24/7, have…