HungryHyena Member


  • Thai red curry w/ eggplant and fresh basil. Sometimes I throw some green beans in, mushrooms, whatever's good and in the fridge. For breakfast lately I've made a good casserole of egg, kale, and feta cheese w/ some Tony's cajun seasoning. It's awesome and it covers breakfast for the week; I got it from Kaylyn's Kitchen…
  • There are specific weight training exercises targeting specific areas for runners that will help you improve on your running as well as help you tone up. Find one that suits you by googling it. Here's one example: There are others too.…
  • Hi everyone! My name is Shireen. I'm 29yrs old, 5'7" and I weigh 172lbs (fluctuate between 171-175 depending on my weekly diet). I started Weight Watchers recently. My utimate goal weight is 135lbs. I plan on starting 30DS tomorrow. I ended up on MFP while I was searching for reviews/results a long time ago when I first…