

  • I am 19 so health it is not a problem for me..I've heard there are some special pills for smokers,are they? I am planning to stop smoking buuuut that would increase my apetite even more, so I will do that after I loose the extra pounds..
  • I always gain weight during my period, about 4 pounds , I think it's because of the vasopressin wich makes you to retain the water and the menstruation with its blood and liquids wich should be eliminated. I also have a bigger apetite a week before my period.
  • Thank you staps! I could really use some supports, it seems I kinda lost my motivation!
  • thank you Rose!! Which diet are you following? I am just trying to eat less! Kisses!
  • Thank you for your answer.I will consult a doctor next week ( I shouldn't take the pill without a prescription,should I?). Another problem is that I am a smoker, and I've read that interacts in a bad way with the pill..does it? I am really affraid about the gain weight because since I was little, Í've had some extra pounds…
  • Thank you for your answers. And did you feel any sickness while you were on the pill or any difference in your blood tests? I've heard that many women may feel nausea or liver pain.
  • thank you , you are very kind!