

  • I measure in kilojoules and had 2 days I was over by 1000 this week the rest I was pretty much even and I managed to loose 2 kg I only do 3 hrs mod exercise walking my dog over the week and didn't increase it. Chill and move on if you stress about every little hicough you will have too much trouble making this a lifestyle…
  • I have been doing this for 4 days now. I sat down with a girlfriend who is fit and healthy we put foods I often eat and enjoy into the program and started stressing about the kilojoules in the foods. I was panicking and saying I'll have to change my lunch salad for lettuce tomatoe carott and's lo cal. She…
  • Smarts to learn: Steel cut oats use a 4:1 liquid to oats ratio. You can use any combination with the liquid – water, soy milk, almond milk, normal milk – all work If you don’t have a slow cooker, bring the ingredients to boil and then simmer for 45 minutes, stirring here and there to make sure it doesn’t stick to the…
  • Maybe she could do seated bicep curls using a can of food or bottle of water in each hand as weights. There are also seated pedals she can sit and cycle with. Just move more....put TV remote away so she has to get up and change the chanel or just walk to an object and back during the adds on TV increasing the number of…
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