

  • my high protein and reasonably low cal snack is chobani greek yogurt. If I want something even lower cal, hardboiled egg does the trick.
  • I'm not a big fan either, but once I get going, I love it. Its just getting the motivation back up and running after I stop. Another thing I noticed is that I really struggle to have fun or get into a routine from home. I just won't do it. If I go to the gym I can do a mile or even a 5k walk on the treadmill and its fine.…
  • Both my current and previous docs said that my birth control affects my thyroid, but again, my first doc didn't really explain why or go into it. Just said not to take both pills at the same time. Told me take my Synthroid first thing and take the birth control at night. Also never said anything about soy. I like my…
  • I was diagnosed with graves disease, which basically causes hyperthyroidism. Docs treated it with radioactive iodine to pretty much kill my thyroid so it would not produce anymore. My first endocrinologist never said anything about soy either. My current one is who told me to limit soy. He didn't say cut it out all…
  • 50 pounds is my longterm goal. But that will bring me down to less than I've weighed since I was 16. It would make my Endocrinologist super psyched but I'm going to be psyched at 30 lbs lost. I figured hey, why not bump it up to 50 while I'm at it so he stops yelling at me lol. I love soy products, I just have to limit…
  • I joined the 30 day glute & Ab challenge that I saw in the groups. Figured that since it starts today and I started back up today it was perfect. Not sure I'll get through to the end though. Sit ups and squats are not high on my LIKE list so having to do like a million of them every day by the end of the month.
  • :smile: Thanks! I've used this site and the app a few times in the past and liked it but I've never really explored the community. Its mostly just been a tool for logging and tracking my progress. I'm hoping getting into the social aspect of it as well this time will help.
  • I'm in the EXACT same boat. I got on the scale and realized how off track I got, I'm up 20 lbs now after losing 15 last year. YIKES! So I'm trying to kick my butt back in gear. Good luck to us both!