Hey, 1200 calorie-ers!



  • jfoxe
    jfoxe Posts: 16
    What can I eat that's super low cal & will keep me full. I can't eat breakfast but snack at night :(

    my high protein and reasonably low cal snack is chobani greek yogurt. If I want something even lower cal, hardboiled egg does the trick.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    So many egg yolks going in the garbage :sad:



    Every time someone throws out a perfectly good egg yolk and eats just the whites, I kick a puppy.*

    Seriously, people, stop wasting delicious egg yolks.

    Do it for the puppies.

    (* Oh, relax...I don't actually kick cute puppies...

    ...I kick the ugly puppies. (What do you think I am, some kind of barbarian that would kick cute puppies?) :huh: )
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Now I am wondering what the people that make Egg Beaters do with the yolks.

    Maybe they feed them to the ugly puppies that jof kicks.
  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    I LOVE omletes. I eat them as often as I have time to make them. I skip cheese and meat and go for 3 whole eggs instead. Tons of veggies. When the rest of my family is eating something I don't want I almost always go for eggs.
  • LunaGreen
    LunaGreen Posts: 118 Member
    i use one whole egg and 2 additional egg whites
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Omelettes, yum.

    Sometimes, I use egg beaters. But more often than not, I just use 1-2 whole eggs or 2-3 egg whites. Mix in a bunch of vegetables and the taste is amazing. I especially love to mix in tomatoes, bell peppers, and mushrooms. All this talk of omelettes is making me wish we could just get our grocery shopping done already over here.
  • laurasaintlouis
    laurasaintlouis Posts: 131 Member
    I love to eat egg whites on flatbread for breakfast from Subway. It is awesome with an orange juice. It costs under $3 also.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    I do egg white omelets (typically with those little cartons of all egg whites, but if I have to use a whole egg, I'll save the yolks and plan on making Rocco DiSpirito's spaghetti a la carbonara... so delicious) mostly to save on calories but I also benefit from the lower cholesterol, as diabetes and heart disease run in my family. I almost always do a veggie omelet with a tablespoon of lowfat cheese and maybe mix onion powder in the egg white :)
  • magrat22
    magrat22 Posts: 7 Member
    Yep 3 eggs for me too. Low fat, low cal best thing for breakfast.
  • sahill314
    sahill314 Posts: 71 Member
    hey if you have a minute add me on here sahill314 im going on ketogenic diet high fat low carb. ill keep you accountable if you would do the same for me
  • magrat22
    magrat22 Posts: 7 Member
    The cholesterol in the egg is good cholesterol whereas in the cheese it's bad so you're better off with a full egg then just eating egg white, it's more filling and it's nutritious.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    The cholesterol in the egg is good cholesterol whereas in the cheese it's bad so your better off with a full egg then just eating egg white, it's more filling and it's nutritious.
    Dietary cholesterol is just cholesterol, there is no bad or good...........our lifestyles, genetics etc dictate how the body (liver mostly) then decides to deliver that cholesterol to the body.......in other words the cholesterol in eggs or cheese is the same.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The cholesterol in the egg is good cholesterol whereas in the cheese it's bad so your better off with a full egg then just eating egg white, it's more filling and it's nutritious.
    Dietary cholesterol is just cholesterol, there is no bad or good...........our lifestyles, genetics etc dictate how the body (liver mostly) then decides to deliver that cholesterol to the body.......in other words the cholesterol in eggs or cheese is the same.

    He said it more eloquently than I (and less likely to be interpreted as an invitation for others to pile on), so I'll just say this^.
  • togmo
    togmo Posts: 257
    I love it when people say "capsicum" instead of "pepper". :happy:

    I forget that most people here are Americans and some have probably never heard the term capsicum. I am Australian and here we call them capsicums if they have no heat or chillies if they do, not bell peppers or hot peppers. The term capsicum doesn't sound strange to me until I have to tell other people that we call something a capsicum. It is a strange word isn't it...
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    I usually do 3 egg whites with soy cheese, green or red peppers, and onion. Its very low cal so I usually have a large banana along with it as well and half a cup Greek yogurt :)
  • tempehforever
    tempehforever Posts: 183 Member
    I'm also in the pro-egg yolk camp. I genuinely don't understand the point of eating eggs without throwing at least one whole egg in the mix--pure egg whites don't even taste like eggs.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    So many egg yolks going in the garbage :sad:

    I know! That's the good part! I don't think just the whites would satisfy me...the yolks are the rich part.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I fail to see how this question applies only to people limiting themselves to 1200 calories. Just eat the damn eggs, yolk and all. If you're only eating 1200 calories, you probably need all the protein you can get anyway.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I fail to see how this question applies only to people limiting themselves to 1200 calories. Just eat the damn eggs, yolk and all. If you're only eating 1200 calories, you probably need all the protein you can get anyway.

    agreed^^ I can't just eat egg whites I need the whole egg. Seems like such a waste to throw out the yolks! lol