

  • Hello! This site is amazing! The support you get on here is like no other. I wish you nothing but the best on your weightloss journey, please feel free to add me as I friend, we could all use all the support we could get
    in Hello! Hello! Comment by kapana May 2011
  • I can't wait for the day I am able to wear everything in my closet, or when something comes up last minute not panicking because I have nothing to wear, and end up spending more money to buy a new outfit (that I will never wear again) or just not going at all because I feel to uncomfortable with my muffin top... I think I…
  • I am 5'0 and I am shooting for 100lbs, that was my weight pre baby...10 years ago (can't use that as an excuse anymore) I have been on the site a little over 10 days and only lost 1 lb, so 84 more to go, I have a long road ahead of me at this rate... Good Luck to all!!!!
  • Hi Heather Welcome :), this site is awesome, I have been doing it alittle over a week, and lost 1 pound, you can friend request if you want we need all the support we can get!!!
  • Good Idea!!! I have gone 6 days with my favorite Venti Coffe Fapp. at SB, I use to have those 2 times a day, the first day was hard, but each day was a little easier and now I dont really think about them anymore, and my pocket book is also thanking me =).. Good luck to all!
  • I'm new too!!!... We'll do this girl!!!!