

  • You CAN do it. One day at a time, one meal at a time. There are no quick fixes, and you may have two steps forward one step back for a while. (We all have been there.) It may help to write down a daily goal every morning when you get up and post it where you can see it during the day. Make rules for yourself. Funny, but we…
    in Need help! Comment by debholm June 2011
  • Welcome. Good start. Just don't get impatient and quit like I have done many times. This is a great site for support.
  • One of the things I learned from our exchange students from Holland and Germany is that we have a lot of sugars in our foods. They both complained about things being too sweet here. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. Welcome to the states. Are you here for a bit or to stay?
  • You don't need a dehydrator to make jerkey. Use your oven over night. My husband hunts elk and we all look to having elk jerkey. You can repare the meat then put it over the racks in your oven at 200-220 degrees for about 4 hours give or take or heat your oven to 250-260 before you go to bed. Put the meat on the racks.…
  • Hey Kaylene, We're all there with you. The first step is the hardest. And you just took it.
    in Im new Comment by debholm April 2011