Need help!

luv2scrub Posts: 3
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new... I need help
I need to lose 60 lbs
My addiction is to food
I feel better when I don't gorge, yet I still do it
My husband is finally being healthy and active but I just can't get motivated.
feel free to add me


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Hey you are just like the rest of us. You can do it.
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    I agree! That;s why we are all here. Good luck!
  • mom2sbbj
    mom2sbbj Posts: 12 Member
    I could've written the exact same words 2 months ago. I've often started a diet only to give up a week or so later with no real results. Then I read "Made to Crave" which helped me to find MY motivation. And I took it one day at a time. I quit buying snacks and high calorie foods. (I have NO willpower if its in the house.) I filled our fridge w/ fruits and veggies. I started walking - only short walks at first, but now I walk an hour most nights. I'm currently down 13 lbs and have another 39 to go. I log all my meals and exercise and coming to MFP has helped me to keep my motivation going. We're all hear to support each other. Good luck!!
  • debholm
    debholm Posts: 6
    You CAN do it. One day at a time, one meal at a time. There are no quick fixes, and you may have two steps forward one step back for a while. (We all have been there.) It may help to write down a daily goal every morning when you get up and post it where you can see it during the day. Make rules for yourself. Funny, but we seem to follow rules even when we set them. Just make the decision that you have to follow them. Have someone help you stay accountable. Your husband's getting healthy can be a huge support. Maybe he can shop/help shop and dish up your plate for you. It sounds silly, but when my daughter dishes up my plate I eat less. Her portions are smaller than mine. These are things that help me. I forget them sometimes and have to keep pulling myself back on track, but that is life. Good luck. Friend me if you like.
  • luv2scrub
    luv2scrub Posts: 3
    Thank you all sooooo much! This "being public" thing is a big step for me... Huge!
    I am grateful to you all
  • dannidomer
    dannidomer Posts: 17 Member
    We all struggle. That is why we are here. One foot in front of the other!
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