

  • Great work Shorty's! So, as you all now, I'm now 8 weeks pregnant. I've been suffering from nausea like you wouldn't believe (I'm not calling it morning sickness anymore, because it doesn't matter what time of the day it is!) and have been feeling super hungry/exhausted/throwing up most days. I've definitely put on weight,…
  • Thanks for the well wishes girls! Great work everyone on the sacrifices and sticking with it. All of you are so inspiring and even though my goal isn't to lose weight anymore I'd still like to be part of the Shorty's group on this wonderful journey we've all started together. Keep up the awesome work!
  • Hey Shorties No change for me this week, which is a good thing seeings I'm 7 weeks pregnant! We found out over the Easter Weekend, so rather than me trying to lose weight, my goal is to now maintain during my first trimester. It's my first, so I just want to continue to be active and now, more than ever, it's important for…
  • So did my weigh-in and this morning I am 134.9 so am down by a lb or so. Can't complain given that it was a super long-weekend here in Australia (5 days) so my regular exercise routine was a little different and of course, Easter. Stay positive shorty's - the fact that we're sticking to the weigh-ins and making ourselves…
  • 120.5 lbs is my goal weight. I had my body fat done a week ago and it was 19.7% which I was shocked by, I thought it would be in the mid-20's. I think i just carry the fat in the parts that weren't calipered because that can't be right.
  • Great losses so far girls! No good news to report from me. I've gained in the last week, despite doing big cal burns and eating has been ok, TOM is due to arrive any day now so I hope that's why I'm up. Last weigh-in was on the 14th at 132.9 Today it is 136.5 Up by 3.6!!! On another note, does anyone know if this is normal…
  • Love the tips - I'm going to try the baking soda one tonight!
  • Great results girls! I missed out on the weigh-in, being in a completely different time zone (Australia) made it confusing for me and I completely missed it...I know, terrible! Anyways, ready for next week's weigh-in and am inspired by all of you!!!
  • HRM are one of the best investments ever! You can see see exactly how many calories you're burning and I love it that my PT knows to push me harder when she knows what my heart rate is at. Also, I love that since getting one (Polar PT60) I've almost become competitive with myself to try and beat last week's calorie burn…
  • I'm all in for the mega workout challenge for Wednesday!! Nothing better to get over "hump" day than to really focus and push ourselves physically, bring it on!! Can't wait for the weigh-in, should be good girls!
  • I've only just joined MFP and would love to be added to this challenge - hope I'm not too late! -JessyT919 -5'3" -136.7 (started 11th April) -120lbs (12 Week Challenge goal) So inspiring girls!