SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm trying to move away from crazy amounts of sodium in anything, but there are really easy ways to make my lunch without too much pain. A sandwich is really easy, and I have rice i can steam in the microwave. Frozen dinners are a little high in sodium for me, but I like some of Trader Joes...
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi Shorty's, hope you are all having a great week :smile:

    So I weighed this morning and have lost a pound, I hope by tomorrow to have lost a little more. A bit disappointed because I have been going hard at the gym and eating really well! I'm coming up to 50 pounds lost and I hate to say the P word but the last 3 weeks have been pretty low losses :sad: Anyway just chipping away at it and I guess as long as its not a gain then its all good!!

    So for my success moment this week, Monday I took the kids to School and it started to rain and the little guys and I got a bit wet, well quite a lot wet!! So I had the boys booked into the gym creche and I was so tempted to not go, I actually drove home thinking I would call and cancel and stay home but instead I decided to just do it and grabbed a dry jacket each for the boys and got my butt to the gym :happy:

    Good luck for weigh in's everyone
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Don't worry too much if the losses are slowing down, as you are getting closer to your goal and that's understandable. I went from 1.5-2lb losses in the beginning and by time I got down to 20 or so pounds to go, it was a pound a week. Now I have 10 lbs to go and I've gained and lost the same 2-3 lbs for 4+ months. THAT is a plateau... hahaha. Celebrate the 1 lb losses, they're still losses :)
  • HELLO LADIES! How is everyone doing this week!? One more day until weigh-in! I'm pretty excited for weigh-in, im probably not going to hit my 4 Week goal...but darn close! Today/Tonight I challenge everyone to do a last day work out before weigh-in! It doesn't matter if it is just walking the dog, cleaning the house, or if you decide to really push yourself for an extra 10 minutes, etc! I challenge you! Last Day Push Workout..Pre-Weigh-In! :) YOU CAN DO IT! Let's see some calories burned!!

    GO SHORTY'S!! :happy:

    OH, and for my "sacrifice" story this's not THAT crazy, but still a little moment. I went to the grocery store yesterday and I had my list written down..."avocado, yogurt, strawberries, mangos, broccoli, whole wheat pasta, etc". As soon as I walk into the store, (this store is having an .88 cent sale), there is a huge display area of about 100 slices of ALLLL different slices of cake, individually containered, with neon bright signs everywhere that say .88 cents!! OH DEAR...of course I looked at them, there was chocoloate cake, vanilla cake, red velvet cake, fudge, carrot, strawberry cheesecake omg you name it....i was drooling. So i convinced myself to just WALK AWAY. I get the few healthy groceries that I went there to get...go to the check out...and BAM! There are MORE!! And this time...instead of having a battle in my own head...Im battling with the cashier trying to get me to buy one because "It's only .88 cents today!" And she was a younger girl, so I felt like she was a little girl trying to sell me her girl scout cookies. So, I felt like i had to buy it, but after spending about two minutes talking about the individually sliced cakes, I finally firmly said NO THANK YOU! I'M TRYING TO EAT GOOD! (And the bag boy is just laughing at me!!) OMG, couldn't wait to get out of there before I ate all of the cakes! LOL So i said NO...and it felt good! Woohoo!!! :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm amazed you resisted red velvet cake! Good job! I don't know if I could have. Red velvet cake is my kryptonite, haha.

    I'm happily eating my healthy lunch again today. So low on sodium and it's so tasty. Turkey pita, caramel greek yogurt, and a Kashi bar. I've got apple slices for later this afternoon. My coworkers went to Potbelly (aka the Sodium capital of the world) and I resisted! One tiny sandwich has like 1100mg of sodium!
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I have been packing my lunch and snacks to take to work.....healthy!! And I've been getting up for workouts before work.....doing my workout in the morning helps me plan my meals better to not have a huge deficit at the end of the day.....
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Kristin, good job avoiding the cake. I definitely would have eaten some.

    My weight this week is 133.2. It's a gain of .2, but I'll take it. I got married on April 30th and have been eating wedding cake every day since... It was a bad week. We left on Wednesday to go up to Saratoga Springs and met his parents up there. Beginning on dinner Wednesday and until breakfast yesterday, I have been on an "eat whatever I want" streak. I did continue working out up there. That seemed to help.

    I'm back on track now! I have a class reunion this summer. I didn't get to my goal weight for my wedding, but I'm determined to do it before the class reunion.

    JesaGrace, working out in the morning helps me to plan better too. I also think it keeps me more motivated to eat better.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Luckily, I am a picky dessert eater.....and don't crave cakes/brownies hardly at all, if ever.....same with ice I am blessed with that......Red Velvet Cake doesn't tempt me one bit.....but chips/pizza/snacks.......all the other....WATCH OUT!!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I weigh in this morning at 166.2. Thats a 2 pound loss. I also did a double work out this morning and it felt great! Love working out in the morning!

    I also can turn down cake, but candy and chips are a totally different story.
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    So I had quite a bad weekend Friday I was really in the mood for margairtas and chicken nachos from mexican restaurant so of course we ate there, saturday I was in Baltimore all day for a cheer comp and I ate chicken fingers, fries, fried pickles, etc very bad foods and sunday I was craving chinese and ate that. Considering the weekend I had I really didnt think 3 days was enough to lower the scale considering sunday I was up over a pound. I got on the scale this morning and it read 151.8 which gives me a 3 lb loss!!!!! I was super excited.

    So after this weekend story it doesnt seem like I had any great success stories lol but Tuesday night my mom was sick and I had planned to cook baked chicken and red roasted potatos for me and my dad. My mom started feeling better and she felt like ordering out. Long story short my mom and dad ended up ordering a pizza and I continued to make myself the baked chicken and potatos.

    Goodluck this week shorties Im sure everyone did great!!!! cant wait to see everyones results.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Well, I'm working on getting the scale moving again. It was up as high as 153, so I'm happy that today's weigh in was 150.7. But that's still higher than last week's low. I swear next week I will have a loss! I just started zigzagging calories and I've got lunch for the 3rd day in a row. Much better than past weeks. And I'm taking my running up a notch to try to bring down my 5K time. I ran a mile in 11:33 yesterday, new record!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Well, I'm working on getting the scale moving again. It was up as high as 153, so I'm happy that today's weigh in was 150.7. But that's still higher than last week's low. I swear next week I will have a loss! I just started zigzagging calories and I've got lunch for the 3rd day in a row. Much better than past weeks. And I'm taking my running up a notch to try to bring down my 5K time. I ran a mile in 11:33 yesterday, new record!

    Keep us informed on the zig zagging calories. I have been thinking about trying this and would love some input from someone that has done it.

    Congrats on the new time! Thats great.
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    Well I'm 133 today, so a bit of an increase.

    I've noticed that I've pretty much stayed the same weight since this started, which isn't exactly the plan, but I'm happy to see that I'm not falling in the traps I normally do where I give up and gain a bunch more weight.

    Work has been sooooo busy, 12+ hours a day! and will be for the next month or so, so finding time for the gym has been really hard. Looking forward to getting back into the groove soon, but at least for now I'm not doing any damage.

    Anyways, good luck to everyone this week! Hopefully more exciting results next week (for me) :)
  • JessyT919
    JessyT919 Posts: 11
    Hey Shorties
    No change for me this week, which is a good thing seeings I'm 7 weeks pregnant! We found out over the Easter Weekend, so rather than me trying to lose weight, my goal is to now maintain during my first trimester. It's my first, so I just want to continue to be active and now, more than ever, it's important for me to look after myself and fuel myself with good, wholesome food.
    I have been completely exhausted the last couple of weeks, so I'm just trying to listen to my body.

    Any of you other Shorties out there who have any tips for a newly pregnant mum-to-be, please share!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi eveyone :smile:

    Well the scales are still staying the same for me!! So a 1 pound loss from last week brings me to 161.7. Getting so close to under 160 but the pounds are just sticking to me like glue now and its all happening very slowly despite my best efforts :grumble: Mmmm maybe time to change things up a bit!

    Glad to hear so many of you have had losses this week, good work :happy:

    JessyT919, congrats on your pregnancy, how exciting!!! Definately keep up with the good nutrition and just keep moving, even if it's at a slower pace then before :smile:
  • Awww CONGRATULATIONS!! That's so crazy, I had a pregnancy scare, missed my period...took a test yesterday and was negative! lol CONGRATS AGAIN! Would you still like to be on the challenge thread to maintain weight? Or would you want me to take ya off the list?! Let me know, it's whatever you want Mrs. Prego! :)
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Well I don't have any huge sacrifice, but I did manage to resist 2 sweet temptations in the cafeteria earlier this week ~ a birthday cake and a delicious looking chocolate fudge cake. Every little good decision adds up to better results! Thanks for sharing your stories, girls ~ good luck in the new week!

    Congrats to Jessy on the pregnancy! :bigsmile:
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    So inspiring reading everyone's posts....congratulations on the baby news (Jes) ! congratulations on staying the same and not falling into traps (Carlita)...and avoiding cake (Kristin)! and everyone else!! I have zigzagged calories and find it helps, also gets me better in touch with my hunger and trusting myself more....

    As for my sacrafice, I've had a few, one big one is not finishing treats. When I want something I don't deprive myself, but I often finished stuff I wasn't enjoying, didn't like, or even if I was full.....not so much anymore!! I have a new strength that is surprising me and feels calmer, more natural. My brain isn't cured, but trending in the right direction.

    I also got off my *kitten* about finding out where to get my HRM fixed, plan to go tomorrow!! This will be a non-weight-victory or whatever it's called lol....for me.
  • JessyT919
    JessyT919 Posts: 11
    Thanks for the well wishes girls!

    Great work everyone on the sacrifices and sticking with it. All of you are so inspiring and even though my goal isn't to lose weight anymore I'd still like to be part of the Shorty's group on this wonderful journey we've all started together.

    Keep up the awesome work!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Hey girls! My sacrifice for the week has been complex carbs. I've been eating mostly lean protein and I'm so proud of myself. I have a fiesty sister in law that is overweight (shes an RN mind you) and she's constantly badgering me about my eating healthy (she eats like crap) and scoffing at my working out- but I managed to tune her out. And not only did I maintain my healthy habits, but I refrained from snapping at her. Go me!!!
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