SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • oliveoil87
    oliveoil87 Posts: 141 Member
    Good job everyone!! I can't wait until next week weight in!
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    This looks awesome!!! Thank you for doing this!!! And woohoooo for the 140's!!!!! ;))
  • supersarah14
    This is amazing!!! I'm so proud of everyone this week!! :drinker: I can't wait to see everyones results next week.

    My goal for next thursday is 154.5. Hopefully, I can get there. Fingers crossed! :)
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    great job everyone....keep up the great work :)
  • KayLeigh6710
    Great Job this week ladies!! This was just the first week and now we can all share our secrets!

    I would say that the most important part of this for me was eating right around my calories and going to the gym just about every day... I try to go at least 4 times a week. I also pay more attention to not only how many calories I'm eating but WHAT I am eating. Its a struggle everyday esp with a bf that LOVES food but its working! Will power will get you far and I've learned that this week.

    I also have a lot of support around me. My girlfriend from work (powlschick) is doing this with me, my mom is losing weight and has a membership to the same gym and gives advice when she can, my boyfriend is supportive of me and tries to help his best, I have friends and other family that congratulate me for my success and I have all of you on here. Plus I make it a competition... why not wanna be the best... it gives you something to shoot for.

    I hear to get off a plateau you should eat your excercise calories too for a small amount of time and then go back to your normal calorie goal. Your body gets used to the amount of calories you are eating and then won't lose any more weight. With adding some additional nutrients your body can realize its not starving and get moving again.

    If I think of anything else I'll post it!!

    Good luck this week ladies!!!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Great tips...thanks KK!

    Awesome job team! I could do better maybe if I got rid of that damn ice cream in the freezer. I'll admit that I'm working out harder just to fit in that sweet delicious snack. Still staying within my calorie range or under though, so that's good. Also PMS this week and overtired so that didnt help my will power either. Oh well, a new week has begun! :happy:
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Congrats everyone for a great week!! I have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I did day 14 today. I gained a pound when I first started and this week I dropped my 3 lbs. This workout is great! Everyone have a good weekend!
  • Buckwheat38
    wow guys goooooood job next week no ++++ for me tabern!!! :tongue:
  • healthyme2be
    Congrats ladies on your losses this week! Good job!
  • supersarah14
    Maaan...of course today I hit 155.2 which would have put me at 1 lb loss for the week instead of .6. Oh well, I guess that just means that I might have a bigger loss next week. I think I can handle that. :o)

    Congrats again everyone!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Haha Sarah, I'm with ya on that! I went down to 148.1 lbs this morning, which is a 1 lb LOSS instead of a .7 lb GAIN! Oy... I finally got rid of the water weight from the weekend.... with some beer at happy hour, hehe. I'll have a good number next week too I guess. As long as my friend visiting this weekend doesn't completely undo everything.
  • KayLeigh6710
    Haha Sarah, I'm with ya on that! I went down to 148.1 lbs this morning, which is a 1 lb LOSS instead of a .7 lb GAIN! Oy... I finally got rid of the water weight from the weekend.... with some beer at happy hour, hehe. I'll have a good number next week too I guess. As long as my friend visiting this weekend doesn't completely undo everything.

    Have faith in yourself. Just because your friends come in doesn't mean you have to drink.. and if you do want to drink, drink something like vodka and diet or something, instead of high cal beer. And believe me, I like some beer. You can get the weight down if you want, just have to have control over what you're doing. Good luck!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Haha Sarah, I'm with ya on that! I went down to 148.1 lbs this morning, which is a 1 lb LOSS instead of a .7 lb GAIN! Oy... I finally got rid of the water weight from the weekend.... with some beer at happy hour, hehe. I'll have a good number next week too I guess. As long as my friend visiting this weekend doesn't completely undo everything.

    Have faith in yourself. Just because your friends come in doesn't mean you have to drink.. and if you do want to drink, drink something like vodka and diet or something, instead of high cal beer. And believe me, I like some beer. You can get the weight down if you want, just have to have control over what you're doing. Good luck!

    I LOVE me some IPAs--hoppy, high-cal, dark dark beers--but as of the end of last summer (I had about 1-3/day) I gave them up for whiskeys or flavored vodka and diet soda on the weekends only. I lost 10 lbs without even trying that summer. That's all I'm saying--of course I drank beers like a fish so if you're a casual drinker you may not have similar results!! :drinker:
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    I did really well with my diet challenge last week. Everyday I had 5+ servings of fruits and veggies. The workout portion of my personal challenge kurplunk'd. I only excersised one day last week (vacation got the best of me) but I did shop, try on clothes, pull through racks and racks of clothes and walk around 7-8 hours everyday. Hehe.

    This weeks challenge if anyone wants to join me:

    Diet Challenge: Drink 64+ oz (8+ cups) of water everyday
    Work Out Challence: Strength Train 3 days this week and walk 300 minutes this week.

    Feel free to join me Shorties--and post your progress as you go or on Thursday!

    Diet Challenge: #/8 days
    W/O Challenge: #/300 minutes and #/3 days

    I also want to limit my dark chocolate intake to one chunk a day...about 1 tbsp. HA! Good luck ;-)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    haha, IPAs are my boyfriend's favorites. I also love the dark calorific beers, yum yum. I've been sticking to lighter, lower calorie beers lately and keeping it to one or two at most (last night was a fail with 3). But Yeungling is 128 calories for 12 oz, not bad at all and it tastes good. I only drink beer once or twice a week, but I'm getting more conscious of the calories in it. If I drink tonight, it'll be diet rum and cokes for me.
  • JessyT919
    JessyT919 Posts: 11
    Great results girls!

    I missed out on the weigh-in, being in a completely different time zone (Australia) made it confusing for me and I completely missed it...I know, terrible! Anyways, ready for next week's weigh-in and am inspired by all of you!!!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!! Let's make this a great week.
  • KayLeigh6710
    Happy Monday!

    How did everyone do this weekend?

    I was over on calories Friday, way under on Saturday, then over again yesterday! OUCH! I have to work extra hard these next three days to see some more weight loss.

    I think I need help with my food intake because I don't particulary like healthy food, nor do I know what is GREAT... and what is TERRIBLE... and whats INBETWEEN....

    Any suggestions... lemme know!

    Good luck this week!!
  • KristinAshli
    Hi ladies! This weekend I was feeling like i was going to have a BAADD week. I didn't eat particularly good this weekend, and I definately drank a few brewsky's. But i'm feeling better sickness wise today, so the next 3 days for me before weigh in are going to be push push push with workouts! I hope to see ANY kind of weight loss this week...HOPE.

    How is everyone doing?!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Doing good this week so far. Had a lot of things going on over the weekend. A birthday party and a wedding, but I dont think I did bad. Thursday will tell. Plan on doing extra cardio this week, just in case! Everyone have a great day!