SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    Got my workout in this morning. My official weigh in day is today and I have lost! Really excited about the scales moving again! I will post my weight tomorrow , maybe I can do extra today and get a few more ounces gone. Everyone have a great day!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm SO nervous for our check-in tomorrow!! EEK!! I wasn't all that on point with my eating over the weekend, but I'm on my calories and sodium watch today like white on rice. I plan to get in a Turbo Jam session tonight after work and drink TONS of water. Then I'll have my fingers crossed until the morning. Good luck everyone!!! =)
  • KristinAshli
    It's Wednesday Shorty's!! Hope everyone has been doing great this past week! Our first weigh-in is tomorrow!! I can't wait to see everyone's results! Be sure to message me with your weight by tomorrow evening at 5:00pm (CENTRAL TIME)..not sure where everyone is from! lol But i will be posting the chart @ 5:00pm, so don't be late! And guys, feel free to write me your information on the thread. You can also message me too if you'd like. Whatever you prefer and is easier for you.

    Okay girlies.....GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Well, Shorties, there is a good possibility I gained weight this week. I spent the last 7 days in Chicago visiting family. I only worked out one day that week and the rest I spent on the couch or out shopping my my mom. We did a ton of walking--we can shop for 8 hours straight!--but we'd end the day with going out to eat to places I really miss when I'm half way across the country. Ah well--it was worth it.

    Glad to see everyone has been staying on track. I managed to get tons of veggies and fruits in this past mom and I even made some recipes I have seen on forums here (like the diet soda cake). My clothes are fitting better from whenI started a couple months ago--so that's motivation enough to get back on track now that vacation is over.
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    Im really excited and nervous for tomorrows weigh in. I planned on getting a great workout in today and decided Id wait for my boyfriend and by the time he got home it was pretty close to dinner time so I only managed a 30 min workout at the gym but I have been working hard all week, zumba kicked my butt on monday and I have made alot of healthy food choices. Im pretty confident I did well this week :) goodluck shortys!!!!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Well no super workout for me on Wednesday. But it was my Birthday and I was planning on working out in the evening but my Husband surprised me and took me out for dinner and then to see a show. Had a great night and I think that I did well with my meal, I had a Warm Chicken Salad and asked for no dressing. Then I gave half of the chicken to my Hubby as there were 4 big pieces, oh and I only drank iced water :drinker: .

    So despite working out really hard this week (except yesterday :wink: ) my scales have hardly moved. I have lost 1.1 pounds, I should be happy seeing as my twins Birthday Party was on Sunday and I kind of snacked on all the party food all day, did'nt eat a lot but just lots of the wrong things.
    Height - 5'2
    CW - 167 .9
    LTW - 1.1
    Loss for 12 week challenge - 1.1

    I'm hoping to do a boxing bootcamp on Saturday and a mini Triathlon on Sunday at the gym (rowing machine, bike & treadmill) I am hoping for a BIG loss next week!!

    Good luck with the weigh ins everyone :smile:
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I lost 1 pound. I'll take considering how much I ate last week!

    Height: 5'0"
    Starting Weight: 136.8
    Current Weight: 135.8
    12 Week Goal: 125
    Pounds Lost: 1
  • supersarah14
    Good morning my lovelies!!! :flowerforyou:

    Here's my weight for this's not where I wanted to be, but it's a loss so I'll take it. :smile:

    Current weight: 155.6

    I have my fingers crossed for the rest of you!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Ugh... a gain... But I was up around 151 at the beginning of the week and now I'm back below 150, so at least it's moving in the right direction. I'm hoping the number might be a bit better tomorrow morning, I have kickball tonight.

    SW: 149.1
    CW: 149.8 :(
    BMI (according to MFP, at 5'2.5") = 27.0
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I have lost 3.6 pounds this week!!:bigsmile: Everyone have a great Thursday!:happy:

    Starting weight: 177.6
    Current weight: 174.0
  • KayLeigh6710
    Good Morning SHORTYS!!

    I am happy to report that I am down to 153lbs. That is a 3.8lb loss from weigh in last week! I am SOO excited because I never thought I could do this! I can't "weight" to see everyone else's results!!

    Good luck ladies
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Great job, ladies! I'm down 1.2 lbs this week, which I'm happy for. 10lbs lost total in about 7 weeks. If I keep that up, I'll be at the 12 week goal with no problem!

    I was also thinking, and I'm going to suggest to Kristin... to start a new thread for us each week. Since we like to interact a lot on here, our thread is getting lengthy very quickly. I've seen other group's start a new thread for each week of their challenge, and it starts with the previous week's results chart. For example name it: Shorty's 12 Week Challenge WEEK 2. What do you think???
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    goodmorning...well I was a bit disappointed when I got on the scale. I was expecting atleast a lb and I only lost 0.2 of a lb...I'll take it considering it was a loss and not a gain.

    goodluck shortys soo far it looks like everyones doing great :)
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Gooooood Morning Shorty's!!! I weighed in at 178.4 this morning. Didn't lose as much as I wanted, but any loss is still a loss, right? Just gotta keep pushin' and hope for a great return next week. =) Go Team!!
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    this week i weigh 151!! wooo!!
  • KristinAshli
    Hello Shorty's! WEEK 1 CHART IS IN!! Everybody did incredibly great! You have all really impressed me! This week I really dropped a lot of weight, as some you already know. I have never lost this amount of weight in a week in my LIFE! But i also have never exercised so much in my life in one week either! LOL. I am quite happy with myself today!! But really, AWESOME JOB TO ALL OF YOU GIRLS THIS WEEK!! I CAN'T TELL YOU ALL ENOUGH HOW GREAT THIS IS TURNING OUT FOR ALL OF YOU!!

    Also, on the Challenge Results secion...I put a "BREAKTHROUGH" section...meaning I'm just giving you guys a an honorary boost for getting past a 170's, 160's, 150's, etc. and getting into another digit! I thought that would be a fun way to be recognized for your weight loss journey! If anyone has any other "honorary ideas" let me know!!

    Next week...WHO WILL IT BE?? Who will push themselves to get that extra weight off? You all have full potential of making a big accomplishment! I'm so proud of you all. GOOD LUCK FOR NEXT WEEK!!

    GO SHORTY'S!!!!!


  • jeslawson
    Good Job everyone !!! It looks amazing !!! Good Luck to everyone next week !!!!
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    WOW!!!! you ladies are amazing, please share your secrets on how you can drop that many lbs in one week, I really want to be able to drop 3lbs by next week. I have never lost that much in my life. So for this week I lost 1lb and I am really excited because I broke my plateau but I will really celebrate when I get passed the 151 to 150 and than to 149, I can get to 151 and than get stuck there and go back up to 153 so fingers crossed that I can keep this up

  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Good job everyone!!! Let's get ready for another great week!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Awesome job everyone! I'm super excited for this next week. Got my game face on! =)