thesmallestpineapple Member


  • Bowl of cereal with milk for me if I'm properly hungry. Glass of water if I'm just a little hungry.
  • Lol at getting to dress as a hobbit at Halloween... I've actually done that, with my tall friend as Gandalf! Pro- I don't have to duck under things that taller people smack their heads against. - Long sleeve tops are never too short on my arms. - Shorter legs... more steps in the day! - Heels. :) Con - Can't see a d**n…
  • If I eat back my fitbit calories I gain weight. I use the fitbit as a general indication of how active I've been in the day, but just use the basic MFP calorie value and add separately specific 'workout' stuff like running and cycling that I measure with a garmin hrm/gps-thingy. It all evens out in the end to a pretty…
  • I was about to type something very similar. I have a friend who doesn't look after herself properly and our group of close friends believe she may be undereating and exercising excessively to lose weight that she REALLY doesn't need to lose, so we invite her over and cook plenty of food and have cakes etc. Sabotage... yes,…
  • What's YOUR current schedule like? Last week I did- REST Monday 8.15 km on Tuesday (5:43min/km) Easy run 5km on Wednesday (5:47 min/km) Intervals 10km on Thursday (5:55 min/km) Easy run REST Friday 6.3km on Saturday (5:47 min/km) Varying intensity... pushing hard on the hills 14.1km on Sunday (6:17 min/km) Long run Paces…
  • Forget all the bathroom stuff... most office computer keyboards are much dirtier than anything in the bathroom from people eating/drinking/snacking/sneezing/coughing/sweating at their desks and of course the keyboards don't get cleaned! The vast majority people wouldn't wash their hands before heading to the doughnut table…
  • Womens weight changes depending on where in your 'time of the month' cycle you are also. Don't stress over variations day-to-day, just try to keep an eye on the long term trends. I always think I'm not losing weight, but when I look back at what I weighed a month ago... I'm actually bang on target! Gems - If using TDEE…
  • I was a bit appalled when I first started using a food scale at how bad my ability to estimate was... but I'm getting better after a few months of weighing most things. I can guess with reasonable accuracy the calories in restaurant foods these days (weight changes reflect my guesses most days) and don't weigh absolutely…
  • You start running by going very slowly and doing very short distances!! Generally people start by doing walk/run intervals just like you were doing on your walk... either running between landmarks like lamposts, or on some kind of timed programme like 'couch to 5k' and building things up from there. :)
  • Do you have your profile set up correctly for your activity level? If you're set to 'active' but are really sedentary or lightly active you'd be given a higher calorie budget per day that may influence weight change. Are you using food scales and accurately logging everything that you eat? It does seem quite a lot to have…
  • As long as you're loosely following the plan you'll be fine on the day. Just try to do as many as possible of the long runs, shorter weekday runs are less of a problem to skip if you need to miss them now and again. Don't panic... you can do this.
  • I really like pineapple. Ok, I LOVE pineapple. I didn't/don't have that much to lose so being the smallest pineapple made more sense than the biggest fattest pineapple. Also, being the fattest pineapple seems like such a negative way to refer to myself.
  • I both love and hate running... love it when I'm out actually doing it, hate it when I'm trying to motivate myself out of my nice comfy house and into the rain! Currently running 5-8km Tuesday and Wednesday (tuesdays are easy pace, wednesdays intervals), 10-15km on thursday or friday with a varied pace depending on how my…
  • It can seem like a chore, I know... but 2lbs a week is good and you need to start embracing this kind of slow steady weight loss that will leave you able to maintain your sexy body when you reach your final goal! Staying positive is really important. Banish the word 'punishment' from your vocabulary right now! Why not set…
  • Carrot cake and gingerbread. They just have too many calories to be worth it to me anymore. If I was out at someones house I would still eat them, but I no longer buy them for myself. Anything else I just have in moderation, but those two are difficult for me to just have one portion.
  • Definitely have a takeaway if you've got the calories to spare and you want it, don't do it just to 'use up' your calorie allowance though... Chinese takeaway can be very high in calorie and tends to be high in salt, just try to be aware of what you're choosing and/or how much of it you're eating. :)
  • If you're happy with what you're running in at the moment then I'd just keep wearing whatever those are for now... keep an eye out for sales and pop into a shop when things are a bit cheaper to try on all the shoes and get a nice shiny new pair then. If you start having aches or pain though then a new pair of shoes is…
  • St Andrews day is the National Day in Scotland... it's officially a holiday but employers don't actually have to give their staff the day off in the same way as other bank holidays. It's not as big a deal as St Patricks in Ireland, but a pretty significant number do celebrate (including me, but mostly because it's my…
  • Nothing to add.... my meals are boring, but getting some great ideas from here. Keep it up guys!
  • Someone further up (sorry, haven't figured out how to quote yet) suggested adding a weighted backpack to your walks to help you lose weight. Please, please don't try this. Your current weight is enough that it wouldn't be a great plan to run because of the stress it will place on your body... adding weight and walking will…