BernaRoche Member


  • Monday (today) is the day I get out of the fog and start counting calories again, with healthy meal choices lined up and ready to go. I have been on autopilot and the good news is that I didn't gain any weight. The bad news is that I didn't lose any either, and that is not getting me any closer to my goal of healthy…
  • Wondering if a protein powder would make this even better. Also, are you just using a blender or do you have a special juicer? I have not tried a juicer - seems expensive and not sure I'll like the outcomes. I have done smoothies with protein powder (pea powder from Arbonne to avoid soy, which is problematic for me post…
  • Hiking is just about one of my favorite activities! Glad you enjoyed it LaDonna. Nothing lifts the spirits more than a good dose of nature, in my book! I haven't tried much new in the way of diet, but I'm learning how to use Adobe Creative Suites at work and enjoying that! Now if I could just get home before dark again…
  • I think even maintaining a 10 pound weight loss is progress (each 10 pounds gives unmeasurable gains in long term health, I've been told). So to see people who have done SO much for themselves, like losing 50-100 lbs or more, is so inspirational. Never doubt that it is all worth it. The long term benefits to the weight…
  • Weekend was great - got to see some old friends from grad school for their annual "Chili and Gumbo Cookoff", and managed to stay within my calorie goals for the day by just tasting small samples of about 8 of the 24 entries, and not adding my usual cheese and sour cream. I also made my VERY favorite soup on Sunday, Creamy…
  • I got a goose-egg too. But, I'm feeling better, my energy is up, and I just have to add some exercise to the mix and I think I'll be good to go. So, maintained this week, but I am looking forward to seeing some pounds take a long cruise VERY soon.
  • Sal, I am a biology teacher too, and used to do agility with my first dog! Glad you are still up for the agility training with your dog - it will be a good motivator for you to be doing something you love, and not having to give it up. Good luck with the hand signals - I always thought it was fun to watch people move their…
  • Meant to post this next to Sal's post - have to learn how to use this thing!:laugh:
  • My name is Berna. I'm a 50 year old biology professor, and I would like to get back to a healthy weight. Over the last 30 years, I've put on 2 pounds per year, and so I'm looking at 60 unwanted pounds that seem to have just arrived out of nowhere. I used to be very active physically, and so I could pretty much eat anything…