

  • Two pieces of Natures Own Wheat Toast (toasted) with Trader Joe's No Guilt Chunky Guacamole my new favorite!!
  • I have been pretty slow lately losing nothing one week then one then nothing. I just upped my calories today from 1200 to 1350 to see if that will help. I didn't realize that if you don't eat back what you burn off that it will slow your roll. Hopefully this helps get my scale moving again. Great Job!!
  • Thank you so much for the articles and advice. I need to look at food as fuel not the enemy and that is something I am learning. I have worked very hard to be where I am and am thankful to know that my mom has lost water and I will soon pass her as I don't see her quick fix as something I want (even though it sure would be…
  • Very true - its being good for so long that sometimes make me want to say oh this isn't worth it I am going to eat something high calorie but it IS worth it and I am happy with my loss just wish it could be faster but I have been this weight now for about 8 years so if it takes a year to get's worth it!
  • So so true!!!
  • So so true!!
  • Thank you all for responding! I think I will make sure that I eat back what I am burning off (or at least half of it). This is the first time I have EVER worked out and watched what I have eaten in a long time so I know that I am on the healthy track and that this time it's for good. My mental state gets a little out of…