missmooo85 Member


  • I work 10 hours a day in an office, an office full of chocolate, sweets and cake... I've fallen off the wagon so badly even though I go to the gym at least twice a week, usually 4 times, my diet has just gone mad. Any ideas how I can force myself back into it, I was doing so well but now I've put on 4kg (8lb).. *cries*
  • I'm in Cork... it's definitely not sunny... :( :( Welcome though, you lucky, lucky person!
  • I used to love cycling actually, I have been thinking about getting a new bike as my old one is in another country! It's actually a great idea to look into further, thanks!
  • Thanks everyone for the replies, greatly appreciated! I don't really understand the whole macro thing yet, I've tried reading the guides but still can't really get my head around it, one step at a time though, I've only just started taking notice of calories, we can't expect too much now can we :P It's good to know that I…